Rule Machine trigger when "Room Lights" is *changed*

setting up a new hub.
groups and scenes are gone and replaced by Room Lights. ok fine. looks cool.

I used to do rule machines to turn on zen32 leds on or off based on scence status.

but now I dont see a switch or anything called with the name of my room light.

so how can I trigger a rule machine when a light room is active?


am I on the right path?
I found "Command with Activator Device:" in the room light. so I called it "test-thing"
but when I do a rule machine like this, even if the room light is active, my "test-thing" status still shows off...

The Activator Device is the right thing to activate the RL it's connected to.

Have you looked at the release thread? If not I'd start there to get more background.

Post a screen cap of your rule using the RL activator.

I think you're saying you have a rule that turns on the activator, but the activator's device page shows off?

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I see the same thing, I expect it is meant to be a means to activate the RL rule, not so much as an indicator that it is active. It doubles as both a button and a switch, which I expect is mostly for compatibility.

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You may need to include a switch in the RL setup and turn it on and off along with the other devices (lights, etc). That said, if the lights are turned off from outside, it may not work...

Interestingly, I see status in my RL activators for Groups and Scenes I've created in RL...there is a groupState. IRRC these were all groups or scenes imported into RL from Groups and Scenes app.

There is probably a more elegant way to do so, but why not just use a virtual switch and turn it on and off in the table to match your RL scene?

Then the virtual switch is the trigger for Rule Machine.

That's what I was thinking as well. I'm just not sure whether turning the lights off through another means, e.g. a dashboard tile, would trigger the switch to also be turned off.

@danabw 's option for a group setup in RL may be the best option at the moment, if a switch would not be turned off like I described. Would be nice if the motion lighting RL setup also included a group state attribute, or reflected the state in the on/off attribute.

EDIT: I tested this by adding a virtual switch into a RL motion lighting setup, turning it on with the rest of my lights and off when the lights were turned off. The VS followed the state of the lights when the RL rule was activated or de-activated, but when the lighting group that was used to indicate the lights are off was turned off, the VS did not turn off, nor did the activator device interestingly.

This is also important to look at...differences in how Groups and Scenes work in RL:


I havent tested extensively, but it seems to work to use the "Command with Activator Device" device to trigger a RM to change zen32 led buttons.

RDC-On means first floor On. (french acronim)
so if first floor is on, the zen32 button goes white. if off, it goes dimmed blue so I can spot it when it's dark

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This controls what the activator device looks like...under "activation options":


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