Rule Machine - This is Frustrating the Heck Out of Me

It won't make any difference to HE if they're all in one rule or 20 separate rules. Each time it is triggered it "spawns" a new copy or the rule.
They're asynchronous. And now that you can clone a rule, it's a lot simpler.

I will have to play with it. I did change the trigger to Open because if a window or door was open prior to the AC coming on then the rule would not see it as changed and not include it in the announcement.

But then the rule will never stop because it won't trigger when you close the window.

Aah, yes indeed. It has to be 'changed'. Thanks, I will keep trying.

@razorwing, on your rule above :

If : Front Door open ( A ) , then Laundry Door open ( B ) , then Kitchen Nook Window open ( C ) then %device% will speak :
1/ A, B, C is open ?
2/ The last C is open ?
3/ or ... ?
After that
If : A and C closed, B still open then %device% will speak :
1/ The last C is open ?
2/ A,B,C is open ? ( because not all closed )
3/ or ... ?

Please explain futher . Thanks .

This may help:

I don't have a repeating notification, but it could be put in without much effort. The big thing is that you can have multiple open windows and it will read it out to you.

You have the concept of rules a little wrong. You are thinking there is only one copy of the rule running at any one time. In reality, what is happening is that when a trigger event occurs, another instance of the rule is spawned to handle the event and the actions associated with it.

So, the first time the trigger event occurs, window A opening, a copy of the rule is spawned and begins announcing Window A open.

Now door B opens. Another copy of the rule is spawned and begins announcing Door b is open. The announcement from Spawn #1 is also still running. So, you will get 2 announcements.
Window A is open.
Door B is open.

Now, here's the REALLY fun part. You close Door B. It will spawn another copy of the rule and now you will get 3 announcements!!
Window A is open.
Door B is open.
Door B is open.

Because the first part of the conditional action is true, not all those doors/windows are closed, it will produce an announcement with the trigger device. That will go on until all the windows/doors are all closed at the same time. Then the Else-If part of the rule will execute canceling all the repeats.


How are doing all of the IF ELSE-IF, THEN conditions? I don't see any way of doing that in Rule Manager. Would that be a Rule 3.0 rule?

Conditional Actions were available from RM 3

Do you know why did they never included that in 4.0? As a newbie programmer (.NET guy), I love defining that kind of logic.

That is what 4.0 is all about. I donā€™t understand the question I think.

If it is, then that goes back to my original question -- how can I do that in 4.0? I don't see any way of doing it. I thought your reply was indicating that it's ONLY available in 3.0.

Conditional Actions. It was available from RM 3.0, but RM 4.0 changes how rule logic works.

[Released] Rule 4.0

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All of the conditional logic in Rule 4.0 is in the Actions. Trigger Events fire the rule, and then the Actions run and can have any conditional logic you want based on the devices in your system, time of day, etc.


Great links... thanks all for the comments... helping a n00b out here... :slight_smile:

On Webcore have this feature : X2 save matching device to ...


But on RM 3.0, 4.0 I can not find similar features like that ?

There isn't one.

Hi thanks for this info. How do i get this to repeat notification until the door is closed? @bobbles rule has way too much info for me to follow

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  Door is *changed*

   IF door is open THEN
      REPEAT every xxx (stop)
         Speak on whatever-device "close the door" after a delay of xxx (cancel)
      Cancel delayed action
      Stop repeating actions

@shawnx1 I should thank you. I haven't had the need to write any rules with repeats. You forced me to try to do one and , guess what?, @jabecker just confirmed above, I CAN DO IT!