Rule machine is too confusing

I'm not using a PC at the moment so a screenshot of this rule from my phone would actually take two screenshots to show it in its entirety. Another thing I don't like about hobitat is that it's very difficult to navigate the controls with a smartphone. We've had these things for over a decade now so why do I have to fire up my PC to do anything with hubitat? When I tap on a menu it should drop down and show me the options regardless of which device I'm using.

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I just had to give a like to the post and a shout out to ya for the sake of "the ole days" :rofl:

Besides learning "what's where" and "what to use for what", I think what's frustrating is the impetus one has to jump in and make things work only to learn the flexibility of the system is daunting and finding the best "how to" examples requires some searching. These combine to raise the fear factor of building something that is going to bite you in the rear later.... (because you didn't know better or didn't find the best example)... and then you'll be forced to do it all over again some day.

But as some of the folks in here constantly suggest....Keep It Simple and with time your knowledge base will catch up with your build objectives.

Still on that learning curve and letting my trust build with each and every new device and application use.

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Besides the above advice, I'd consider looking at whether this command actually works on your devices. Go to the device page in the admin UI ("Devices" from the left-side menu, then click/tap into the upstairs or downstairs speaker page, it appears), then try the exact URL from your rule in the "Play Track" command button on the device--paste it into the "Track URI" parameter field, then hit the "Play Track" button to run the command with that parameter. This is a way to test this command directly on your device, leaving Rule Machine out of the picture.

I suggest these because if it doesn't work here, it won't work in RM, either. Alternatively, you could try a different action in RM, like notification to your phone or a "Log" action, so you can test the flow of the rule while using a more reliable action and without (for now) worrying about the speech/music device.

Finally, I should mention that Rule Machine is tempting for a lot of automations but not necessary for many. Hubitat has lots of built-in apps designed for specific purposes, which you can use without the effort of creating a Rule (which indeed does require some learning, example-seeing, and documentation-reading .... you'll get the hang of it!). In this case, the built-in Notifications app looks like it could handle your automation if you set one up something like this:

(This setup can be a bit confusing--the URL is what it wants for "Track Name" when you choose your Music Player device.) But again, if your device doesn't work with this command, no app--RM or otherwise--will, either, so that's worth checking out first regardless.


How are you supposed to RTFM when there is almost nothing to read? If you ask me hubitat is flying by the seat of their pants and assuming too much. When I placed my order I expected a manual to come with the hub. Instead I'm expected to search for my answers on a poorly-written website written by somebody who assumes they are writing for an audience that has a college degree in computer science. Somebody needs to write something that the average Joe can understand. I'm seriously considering demanding a refund.

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What documentation? Have you seen the documentation for rule machine? You have to be a software engineer to understand it. It glosses over things that are important to people who don't have programming experience. Hubitat needs to hire a teacher to write their documentation like a textbook instead of the unintelligible garbage that it is.


What documentation are you looking at? FWIW, I find this forum post more helpful than the formal Rule 4.0 docs, even though they are the same thing. (Another confusing thing is that you might be tempted to look for the "Rule Machine" docs, but that is for the parent app and not of much interest if you are using it as most people do to create "child" Rule instances, besides the fact that the parent documentation explains platform concepts like "events" that you'll need to understand at some level.) The inline screenshots--and further comments from other users--make it more helpful, in my opinion:

There are also several example rules on the forum, including this thread:

Finally, asking for help--exactly as you did--is always a good thing. :slight_smile: Hubitat can indeed take some getting used to (apps vs. devices, "what are events?", and so on) and Rules are hard to write until you do. The collection of built-in apps would be my first recommendation--it's tempting to write a Rule for a lot of things, but you don't often need to. The Community is full of people willing to help regardless.


hold up

We can make our Google devices play sound files? That would keep me from needing to buy a Z-wave alarm device.

there is a certain technical aptitude required to use the platform. maybe smart things is better for you? or wink and a subscription?

If you are that frustrated, that sounds like it would be for the best. Good luck with whatever alternative you choose to move forward with.


I think if capturing a screen shot that is more than a pagefull is beyond you then you should definitely move to a simpler platform. Or get yourself a proper phone. No charge for this advice.


If you email, I'm sure they can help you with your refund request. Also tagging @bobbyD.


Absolutely. My kitchen Google​ Nest Mini is a set of dogs on command when people approach my front door :rofl:

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I get the frustration.

But we don't know why your rule is failing or what the problem is due to you not helping us diagnose it.

A screenshot of the rule would help. Turning on logging, running the rule, and taking a screenshot is pretty much required in cases like this. So what if it takes two screenshots on the phone. Better yet, find a computer so it is easier to work with. Phones are fine for some things, but complex things are not the best use case for them.

And I don't see (unless I missed it) where you tried the sound from the Device Tab, and posted the results of that like bertabcd1234 suggested way earlier.

Last, did you try the Notification app like suggested earlier? Everyone seems to jump right to Rule Machine and it is not how most people should start out trying to automate stuff, no matter your skill level.


Ha ha ha. You should have read more.

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To be fair, Rule Machine is the hardest way to do things. It is meant to be used for very complex automations, and in situations where simpler apps won't work. You are trying to do something you are not ready for yet. You cannot go from bunny hill to skiing the Alps in a day.

None of us are official support. We are just trying to help each other out. Lashing out at people who are taking the time to try and help you isn't getting you any closer to fixing this.

Sometimes you just need to take 15 minutes, clear your head, and come back when you are ready to try some things to see where this rule is failing.


We all get the message that you're dissatisfied with the product and want a refund. Since you've made that decision, continuing this thread will only increase your annoyance.

As the hubs are currently out of stock, just put it on ebay, other auction sites are available, and you may even make a profit as people are desperate to get their hands on one.


Because its so very hard to use I'm sorry but I can only offer a fiver.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Just hang in there. RM is definitely daunting for new users. Especially non programmer. I was close to giving up a few times for sure but my mistake was not asking for help early on. This community is quite awesome for helping. It's 10x better than the documents in my opinion.
It's worth it at the end due to the reliable platform and community which you don't find anywhere else.

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If you're getting those beebs I would suggest your rule is working properly, stupid question but are you sure the mp3s are uploaded and work correctly. Try going to that location in browser to see if if loads or use the Google device to play track