Rule Machine Import / Export capablities

I have been doing some cleanup during these holidays, consolidating / simplifying things. And what I noticed that a lot of little apps that I was using e.g. syncing temp values across devices and virtual thermostats, creating motion sensor groups etc using apps was doable with RM and with much less work.

That got me thinking that as powerful as RM is, setting up rules can be challenging for a lot of people, just look at the number of questions on forums.

At this point RM is dev platform/language in its own right, and may be it should get promoted as a first class citizen in the system. If there were import/export functionality available, perhaps people code export and share rules with each other rather than groovy code.
The rules are probably stored in is some format internally, why not add access UI for it. One challenge I do is during import/export is managing mapping to underlying resources - perhaps an imported rule can be brought in a pending state and all unresolved dependencies highlighted. Or better yet allow rules to be imported/exported as templates and allow rule creation based on a template.

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This has been discussed multiple times.