Rule Machine enhancements with 2.4.0


Clearly, a great deal of work went into 2.4.0. Thanks.

I understand the issues regarding upgrading/downgrading between major platform versions.

However, Iā€™ve got a question regarding Rule export/import across major platform revisions in view of the following points in the 2.4.0 release notes:

  • Added IF/THEN/ELSE logic to Visual Rule Builder.
  • Rule 5.1: Added new table based UI for Triggers and Conditions, allowing one click to create new, edit or delete.
  • Rule 5.1: Rule Functions available

If Rule export has been used to archive a group of rules, can that export file later be used for import into a later major platform revision?

Likewise, if a Rule export has been used to archive a group of rules, can that export file later be used for import into an earlier major platform revision, providing that a feature not present in the earlier platform revision (e.g., Rule Functions) is not used in the exported/imported rules?

Yes. There have been no changes that break backwards compatibility (that I'm aware of). So any Rule 5.1 that has been exported can be imported back.

This would only work if there are no features in the export not supported in the version imported into.

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