Rule Machine 4 Can't delete trigger if you forget to pick a device

Just reporting that if I am making a RM 4 trigger (in this case, a button being held) and forget to pick a device, then save it, it saves an "empty" trigger. That's part 1 - it maybe shouldn't let you save that trigger before you've picked a device. Part 2 is it seems impossible to remove this empty trigger (so it gets combined as an "OR" to when I go and make a working trigger). I end up having to delete the entire rule and start over.

Yes, that is a bug. It should not present the Done with this Trigger Event button in the UI unless the device has been selected.

This was tracked down, and the fix will be in the next release.

Boy, I'm looking forward to that release. You guys have been pounding the hell out of these little bugs!

I am too!

I was just going to report this. I've had to go and rewrite all my rules because a trigger device gets renamed or deleted. Then it breaks the RM rules, and I cannot just edit triggers. Leaves the blank and OR which cannot be deleted.

Renaming a device should have no affect on them within the trigger of a rule. That is not how they are identified in the database. Only if they are removed and re-added would you have to replace them in a rule. All name changes should be carried throughout.

This is actually harmless. You can verify this for yourself by looking at your rule's Event Subscriptions.

The next release will do a better job at not allowing you to make a mistake that leads to this issue in the first place.

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It may be harmless, but it does break the rule. I will not trigger after adding another trigger and leaving the "blank OR" still in there.
In every case this was the result fro me.

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