I have a button at my main door, which when pushed, turns off all of my lights and media. Now what I would like to accomplish is for another rule to check again if everything is really turned off: For this rule I used the button as a trigger and a wait for condition with a timeout of 5 seconds. If the condition turns true within those 5 seconds (or already is true) TTS should say "Everything is off". Now this works so far! However here comes the hard part: if the condition for some reason doesn't turn true I would like TTS to tell me which device is still on.
This seems pretty complex to me. But is this possible? I'm curious what solutions you guys come up with!
@Cobra is a HE community developer, and a good friend .
We have collated all his apps and drivers and created the website, so people can join, and obtain his apps etc. Its just more secure than using Github thats all.
Cobra apps is the simplest method, to do what you want in RM you have to write a rule that checks each sensor separately then appends to a variable the sensor open. It becomes very long and tedious.
I used to have the rule and posted it somewhere.(notice the used to...)
Ok so I got the app. Thanks a lot! However how can this be the right app for my purpose if it only checks for contact sensors to be open or closed? I would need it to check all of my switches instead....
Sorry I don't get it. Rule machine can also turn off all of my switches. I was looking for a way to have rulemachine/a different app check the states of my switches and then tell me what is still switched on. (See my inital post)