Rule for TTS

Hi there, I am stuck with a rule again :slight_smile:

I have a button at my main door, which when pushed, turns off all of my lights and media. Now what I would like to accomplish is for another rule to check again if everything is really turned off: For this rule I used the button as a trigger and a wait for condition with a timeout of 5 seconds. If the condition turns true within those 5 seconds (or already is true) TTS should say "Everything is off". Now this works so far! However here comes the hard part: if the condition for some reason doesn't turn true I would like TTS to tell me which device is still on.

This seems pretty complex to me. But is this possible? I'm curious what solutions you guys come up with! :smiley:

Best regards!

"Check Open Contacts" app from @Cobra may help you here.
This is how I use my "goodnight" routine.

Its available at if your not a member, sign up is free and I can approve you straight away :+1:

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Thanks for your answer. I would prefer to stick to the in-built rule machine. But what is cobra apps in general? Could you explain? Thanks

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@Cobra is a HE community developer, and a good friend :slight_smile: .

We have collated all his apps and drivers and created the website, so people can join, and obtain his apps etc. Its just more secure than using Github thats all.

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Ok thanks! If no solution can't be found with rule machine I will contact you again and ask for access to this website!

Thank you!

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Simply register, and you'll find a host of useful apps and drivers there :+1:

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Cobra apps is the simplest method, to do what you want in RM you have to write a rule that checks each sensor separately then appends to a variable the sensor open. It becomes very long and tedious.
I used to have the rule and posted it somewhere.(notice the used to...)

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Ok thanks. I just registered and will try it out. @Royski Could you approve me? Best regards

Already done yesterday :+1:

Ok so I got the app. Thanks a lot! However how can this be the right app for my purpose if it only checks for contact sensors to be open or closed? I would need it to check all of my switches instead....

It can turn off all your switches. Just use a contact you know will be always closed.

Then it’ll turn off all you need, and you can add the msg to TTS.

Sorry I don't get it. Rule machine can also turn off all of my switches. I was looking for a way to have rulemachine/a different app check the states of my switches and then tell me what is still switched on. (See my inital post)

Also as far as I can see the app does only turn switches on and never off?!

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