Router Updated, IPs did not. I think I messed up!

I think I may have put myself in a jam here. I updated my router and put all of my Kasa wifi switches into an IoT network which assigned different IP addresses in a different segment (192.168.3.x) than they were pre router upgrade. Now all of my switch devices in HE have their old ip addresses (192.168.68.x) and will not work.

I have scrubbed these forums and tried all that was suggested. Shutdown hub. Pull plug for 30min. re-discover via Kasa integration. Nothing worked. Do I really need to uninstall all of these devices and reinstall? Im scared to hear the answer to that question.. (26 devices)

I feel like I have changed an ip of a device before but i dont see an option for that in the Kasa integration or the devices themselves.

Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks!

Which integration are you using? The built-in or the custom?

If using the built-in integration, did you migrate from the custom integration?

Added: I just tested, and the rediscovery works for child devices. If you are using the built-in app, the migrate process orphans the child devices. Only impact is the IP's can not be updated by doing the rediscovery. Reinstall is only current option (sigh).

Im using the Kasa Integration by davegut so I guess its custom.

I was afraid that was the answer. Well since it seems I need to reinstall all of my devices would you suggest going with the built in integration or stay with the one I have (davegut).

Thanks for your time!

I think he is saying you only need to reinstall if you migrated from the User app to the System app, which you have not.

Is the HE Hub on the same LAN segment as the switches?
Did you fix the settings in the app to give it the new range to scan?
What happens you do the discovery in the Kasa app? Does it find the devices?
I am thinking maybe the hub can no longer find them.


The update should work if you are using the custom app. You can tell this by doing the following:

Open app

  • Select debug logging
  • Select Modify Lan configuration and update your segment ID.
  • "Scan for Kasa Devices and Add"
  • Then below will display your devices. The screen I show you is mine and the devices listed are orphaned (sigh). If this is the case for you, then you have migrated to the community app at some point.
  • Select NEXT 3 times then DONE
  • If you have no/few devices on the list, the IP address should have updated. You can look in the logs for something like the below:
[app:4902]( 09:10:01.030[debug]( updateChildDeviceData: [Tea Pot: [deviceIP:, port:9999]]

[app:4902]( 09:10:01.024[debug]( updateChildDeviceData: [Toaster: [deviceIP:, port:9999]]

[app:4902]( 09:10:01.014[debug]( updateChildDeviceData: [Soundbar Power: [deviceIP:, port:9999]]
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Ok, so here is what I did and the results.

  • Modified the LAN configuration to have the segment match the new IP given to the device by new router

  • Scanned LAN for Kasa devices and add but nothing was found

  • Then realized (thanks to @jtp10181 line of questioning) that the HUB was not on the same segment so I moved it to the same segment and had the router reassign a new IP to the hub.

  • Followed the steps from @djgutheinz and all the devices were assigned IPs from the correct segment

I am beyond happy that I didn't have to uninstall/reinstall each device!
As always, thanks for taking the time.
This community is great!


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