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C-8 Pro
So i just got this new hub, i was using sengled hub before. i have setup all my rooms and bulbs like i did before in alexa and the sengled app. in most rooms i have 2 light bulbs per room that turn on.
the issue i am having since i have got this c-8 is that when i tell alexa to turn on the lights of a room the lights both turn on and then a few seconds later one of the light bulbs turn off for no reason. and if i run the command to turn the lights on again it turns it back on.
i did not have this issue with the sengled hub when doing this exact setup. not an internet issue or a wifi issue as i have plenty of coverage. and the hubitat hub is hardlined in. i only have the alexa apps installed and running on the hub no other custom commands
what would be causing this issue and how can i fix it and get it to stop turning the light off.*
That is a very odd behaviour - does it do this in every room that has 2 lamps?
I wonder if Alexa Hunches cold cause this to happen - do you know if it is turned on?
When you turn on both of the problematic lights at the same time in Hubitat directly (via the device screen or a dashboard), do they both stay on? What about if you turn them on via the Alexa app instead?
The device screen has an “Events” tab that shows events and what caused them (in some cases). Have you checked to see what it shows on the problematic device after the issue occurred?
so far it has done it is most of all rooms with 2 lights but i have also seen it happen in a room with 1 light a few times now.
alexa hunches are turned off and have never been used.
so far it seems they will stay on if i turn them on via the apps, ill start looking fore more issues with the native apps to see if there is an issue there or not.
attached is an image of when the light was acting up, and this was a single light room
Interesting… It seems to think that it was turned off/on at the switch… Could there be an issue with the switches?
no there are no issues at the switches, i never had this issue till switching over to the hubitat hub. used it for 8 years on Samsung smart thing and sengled hubs with no issues. so not really sure what is different about this new hub to cause these issues.
Well that’s very odd… I’m out of ideas…
have there been no other issues reported with zigbee lights and this hub?
I’s possible that there have but that I’ve not seen them. Maybe another community member can chime in if they’ve seen something…
I have a few Sengled bulbs myself, but they’re all on a C-8 (non Pro). I just received my C-8 Pro but am not using the radios on it. I have another hub that does that and shares its devices via hub mesh.
so the other odd thing i have noticed, is when i tell alexa to turn the kitchen on "which has 2 lights" they both turn on, then 1 turn off, and if i flip the switch off and on they both turn back on and 1 off again, and if i flip it again to off, on they both stay on. what might be the issues here?
also not sure if this is an issue or not, but used a routine on alexa to turn off all lights. and i see i get this error in live time. but all the lights still turn off like requested
app:32024-02-19 07:57:34.898 PMerrorError making Call to Alexa message gateway: {"header":{"namespace":"System","name":"Exception","messageId":"b5801570-2ef0-4507-8654-600df5e79505"},"payload":{"code":"INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION","description":" No active session found for correlation token : SUdTVEs6AAE6AAg6eyJpZCI6Ijc4Y2FlZjk4LTkyYmUtNDE1Yi1iY2FmLTZiNzI1YWMwYzk3ZSIsInVyaSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZC1hY3JzLW5hLXAtNWQ0LWY2ZGQxYzE4LnVzLWVhc3QtMS5hbWF6b24uY29tOjk0NDQiLCJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiI5MGZmZGY1MC0wMzUyLTQ1NGMtOGE4Ni1hNGVmZTRjYjhmZjMifQ=="}}
not sure if anyone is watching and helping on this still, but i have noticed that if i tell alexa to turn on the kitchen to 100% i do not have issues with any of the lights turning off for no reason. but if i just say to turn the kitchen lights on 1 of the lights will still turn off. not sure if this is a hubitat feature im missing to setup or if thats something that needs to be added to it for it to work correctly.