Room Lighting not turning off

I have been using room lighting since it was released, but I am not 100%sure when but now the lights are not turning off after meeting the conditions to turn off. In the logs it starts the countdown but when it should switch off it shows "Motion stays time over" not even sure what this means? The light then stays on. Below is a log of our Kitchen lights, this has been working fine for a long time, now it wont turn off once there is no motion.

app:23012024-03-07 07:24:28.080infoMotion Stays time over

app:23012024-03-07 07:22:28.055infoAll motion inactive, scheduling off in 2 minutes

app:23012024-03-07 07:22:28.051infoTurn Off Event: 'Kitchen Motion Entry' motion inactive

app:23012024-03-07 07:22:27.173infoNot turning off, some motion still active: Kitchen Motion Entry

app:23012024-03-07 07:22:27.171infoTurn Off Event: 'Kitchen Motion Sink' motion inactive

app:23012024-03-07 07:21:50.957infoAlready Activated

app:23012024-03-07 07:21:50.955infoActivation Event: 'Kitchen Motion Sink' motion active

app:23012024-03-07 07:21:50.424infoon: Kitchen Lights

Can you post your full Room Lighting instance?