Room lighting not honoring turn off condition - motion inactive and stay

Actually - perhaps this is enough to show you what I meant. This is just the dimming (night) app - no motion involved. You can see that it has continuous activation events. It keeps re-activating because luminance continues to be below the threshold. Is this what you would expect? My interpretation was that luminance should have to go FROM above threshold TO below threshold to cause activation. But it appears that as long as it remains below threshold, it will keep re-activating. Since that is true even when motion lighting turns the lights bright, it is "fighting" with the other app.

Just remove the option "Activate even if partially activated". That is basically instructing the app to activate on each event.

Ah I see. I assumed that that option was intended to say "even if one of the lights is already on, if you get an activation trigger, send the commands again". So it would not change what is interpreted as an activation trigger, but rather whether the output actions are executed. However - it seems it actually changes what is interpreted as a trigger - which is quite different. I wonder if that's really the intent?

I appreciate the clarification though.

Yes, this is one of the uses of that option. In general, Room Lights makes the assumption that if it is Active, it should not re-command the lights. You can get the outcome of it commanding if not all of them are on using "Indicator for Group All On". That means that if one of the lights is off, it would Activate them for an illuminance event. Use that option instead of 'Activate even if,...'

This hasn't changed. It has always triggered from an illumination event that is below the defined threshold.

FWIW, Rule Machine or Basic Rule would do the exact same thing. If you have a trigger of 'illuminance < 100', every illuminance event below 100 will trigger it, not just the first one that follows it being above 100. There's no perfect answer for how this should work, just differing expectations.

But, you can get it to do what you want easy enough.

Yup, as I said, I'm all set, thanks for your help. My suggestion would be just to clarify the instructions a bit. Something to indicate that a luminance trigger below the threshold will continue to trigger - as opposed to only triggering when it crosses the threshold.

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