Room lighting (Motion Off Disabled) issue

OK, but you can't get to the bottom of what is going on with two different apps both controlling the same lights. It's not clear that there is any other problem than that. So, the thing to do if you want my help, is to start over with a clean slate, and show exactly what the problem is with a single app set up the way you think it should be. Show the app setup page, and show logs that illustrate something that isn't what you expect.

I have now removed the original Room Light App (the one that was migrated from Motion Lighting) and will keep the new one I created on Saturday. The new one is the same setup but was created from scratch, eg not migrated.


I'll monitor this to see if the issue still occurs.

It's still happening with the new Room Light app I created. The weird thing here is that there is no app activation prior to setting the level percentage, instead it is happening shortly after the app turns off the lights.

Hall Light 2 Events/Device Details

Here's the full setup for 'Hall Lights'

And mode settings are

Yep, there is a bug; I am able to reproduce this issue. It's not discriminating between level changes to the lights while on vs. off. Fix will be in the 2.3.8 release.

Thanks for your help tracking this down.


Great, thank you

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Is there any chance of this one being fixed too, just a UI issue :grin:

I've just updated to and the issue is still there.

Which issue? Please show the logs.

Same issue mentioned above in the thread.

The Room Lighting app is setting the lights to random values thus setting 'off disabled by level change'. This log shows the Room Lighting app setting my light to 4%, it should not be doing that

In the app logs, it is disabling while the lights are activated, which is what it is supposed to do. The bug before was that it would do that while the lights were off, but that isn't the case here.

My issue has always happened while the lights are on/activated, as shown in the numerous logs posted above

Something other than the app is setting the lights to 4%. Notice that the app reports setting the level with a log entry of "setLevel: Hall Light 1, level: 20". There is no such entry for the event 5 seconds after they were activated where they were set to 4%.

The original bug was that the disablement happened when the lights were off. What is setting the lights to 4%?

No, my issue was alway when activated. Room Lighting is setting it to 4%, we've been through all this on previous posts. The events show that too

Your events show this being done by the Hue Integration, not by Room Lights. I have no clue why that would happen 5 seconds after the lights are activated.

There is no evidence of this. Room Lights logs every time it does a setLevel, and there is no such log entry. The only log entry shown is not from Room Lights. There is no setting of 4% anywhere in your Room Lights setup, and everything that Room Lights does comes from a setting.

I've disabled the following...


and have been monitoring the logs. The logs seem to be showing 'Hall Light x level was set to x%' randomly while the lights are on or off. I'm going to disable the Room Lighting app to see if this still occurs


6 hours later and the logs for 'Hall Light 1' and 'Hall Light 2' are empty.
These random 'Hall Light x level was set to x%' events only happen whilst the Room Lighting app is running.

Show the In Use By section of the device pages for Hall Light 1 and Hall Light 2.