Room Lighting - 'Means to turn off' randomly failing

Hi, I have a very simple room lighting app for my garage. I have a tilt sensor on the door, when the door opens (tilts) a light turns on, when the door returns to its closed position, the light should turn off.

The issue is that sometime the light does not turn off. Looking at the logs it seems that when the 'Turn Off Event' fires, it does not always call 'off: Garage (Hue Bulb)'. Does anyone have any ideas on what the issue could be?

Turn on logging for the Hue Bulb as well. Then if you filter the log to show just app774 and the Hue bulb it may provide further info when it works/fails. In the meantime you may be able to get additional information from the Device page by clicking events. That might prove whether:

  • the hub didn't send the command
  • the device didn't receive it
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Debugging was actualy already on. The following relates to the top 3 from the OP. As you can see it is missing Command called: off on the one that fails

There is definitely a pattern though, I've tried multiple times today. It works, it fails, it works, it fails, repeat.

Could there be any other app/rule interfering? Otherwise you might want to tag Bruce...

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Does this bulb go to any other levels besides 100? If not, what happens if you change the type to a switch?


No, just 100%. I will give that a go now :+1:

Very odd, when set as a switch it now fails to turn off all the time

I went back to the dimmer setting and it made things worse so I delete the Room Lighting app and recreated it. Same issue as before, works, fails etc.

I thought i'd give it a try using Rule Machine and it works perfectly!

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I have had a similar issue the last week or so.

Patio lights turn on at sunset just fine.
10:00 PM rolls around and they get the Turn Off Event: time and it shows they get sent an off command but they do not work.

You can see I ran the "Turn Off" process inside Room Lighting at 10:03, it sent the off commands and generated the off Events as it should.

If it were just this Room I'd think it was network but there are several other Rooms acting the same way.

I'm on a C-8 Pro with version (as it turns out this is the current version).

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FYI @bravenel , possible bug above in Room Lighting. I still have mine setup if you need me to test anything.

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I was just able to replicate the failure to send the Off command one time. However, since that failure the automation has worked consistently.

I set up a simple RL automation similar yours (using a motion sensor) and the Hue bulb turned on when motion activated, but did not turn off at the time-out. The Off command was not sent after the 1m timeout which should have been at 9:16:43. I waited seven minutes and nothing else happened.

I then re-initiated motion on the sensor at 9:23:15 which added the additional log events starting at 9:23:15 below. Note the "Already Activated" entry from the previous motion instance that never turned off:

I initiated motion again and this time On and Off commands were sent and the automation worked, and since then I've been unable to make the RL auotmation fail since the first time it ran. It's been


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Are you saying that the lights did not turn off at 10:03, even though they reported off? Room Lights debug logging shows events from the device itself. So, in your logs we can see the commands sent, and the lights responding.

If this is the case, then these are bad devices, and Room Lights has nothing to do with it.

In my case I got what I needed working fine in Rule Machine, it just fails in Room Lighting. I'm pretty sure RL was fine until a week ago though.

No, Room Lights hasn't changed.

Since you're happy, this topic will be closed now.

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