Room Lighting Logging

I am converting a RM lighting rule which had a Required Expression of illumination less than a value. After converting to RL, I have the illumination level as a limit activation.

This works the same except for the logging. In RL the illumination levels are reported in the logs 24 times an hour. In RM these levels were never reported. This is adding a great deal more activity in my logs as I have numerous lighting rules using illumination as a limit.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Why is RL so "chatty".

In RM, the Reqd Expression = false meant that nothing for that rule was subscribed, so the illumination value changes weren't triggering a log event.

In RL, there's no equivalent like that, so a log entry will get triggered for every illumination change.

I have a similar situation for my front door light setup in RL -- I just live with illuminance-related log clutter, it doesn't seem to impact performance at all.

If you wanted to limit your illuminance logging and still use Room Lighting, you could always create a rule that turns on and off a virtual switch based on the Lux reading. Then use the virtual switch in your Room Lighting instance(s).