I will, thank you for the reminder.
Yes. Room Lights won't turn on a light it thinks is on already, so if the bulb doesn't respond, you can override that with either of those options.
I changed all my Sengled drivers to the advanced zigbee RGBW driver and will see how things work tonight.
IF things still don't work "great", I will try the Activate option.
What is the difference between Force and Active if already activated options? Do they work the same?
If not, what are the two used for... IE what advantages?
Another question about RL, since RL periods is either by hub mode OR times, I have created two different RL for the same rooms to control the same lights, but at different times and hub modes.
Could this "confuse" RL and cause lights to fail? or is this the only way to use both hub modes and times?
The RL rules are all indicating Active (except dining room lights by mode, but this changes) when viewing the apps listing:
Could this be interfering with RL talking to the lights?
Bound to cause you confusion if nothing else, and step all over RL's logic about when to turn on or not based on light state. Since modes are defined by time, you could collapse into a single instance based on time only.
Here is tonight's kitchen lighting RL:
Notice that the kitchen NORTH ceiling color lamp "thinks" it is off, but it did turn on.
Here is the log of that event:
Does the option to "Activate even if already partially activated" create two "cycles" of the RL?
at the same time, the lights had this in their logs..... strange!
I did not notice any strange behavior in the lights and they are still on.
On the device page for kitchen NORTH, it is indicating the light is off, when it IS on.
Even thought I don't have a RL for my living room lighting (they are still in a RM rule), when my Living room HIFI light turned on tonight, the device page for the light indicates it is off when it IS on!
Also, the living room sofa SOUTH is indicating off when it IS on, but the NORTH light is indicating ON
It just looks like the lights are not reporting reliably.