Room Lighting - Fade Lights to Off

I’d love a way, built into the Room Lighting app, to slowly fade lights off (eg over 15 seconds).

If there’s a way to do this or a workaround to achieve it I have not found it. Would be great to have it as a setting similar to transition time on the activate lights settings page.

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You can use this option:

Then you just set the target as the lights off, or to whatever final settings you want.

I'm not sure I understand this. For this to work, I'd have to set up (under the Lighting Periods Page) a specific time period to enable a fade-out. EX: Either sunset, sunrise, or a specific time of day.

Do you have an example of how we can accomplish this? Honestly, it seems way harder than it needs to be.

Not as you describe. Select the option on the Turn Off Options page to 'Use preset settings for Turn Off'. Once you do that, if you go to the Lighting Periods page there will be a special entry available for turning the lights off (called Preset Off), or to whatever settings you want. You select the fade-off time as I showed above.

This is what you will see once it is setup. I use this feature for two bathrooms to give a warning you are about to be in the dark if you don't move around.

Don't mind all the other complicated stuff I have in here :wink:

OK I think I get It now, thank you both so much for your help!

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