I have a rule that used to just activate on motion. I added a second means to activate of a contact sensor. Ran it like that for a few days and now changed my mine. I was going to go and unselect the device and then unselect that a contact sensor was a means to activate. When I went to unselect I accidently clicked the neighboring device on the list and now had two devices. When I unselected both and tried to update they both came back. So I unselected one and it accepted that. I then tried to just unselect the remaining one but when I do that both come back! I did confirm that just removing it as an option at all does disable it but I did want to clean it up and it seems like it should not "stick" like this.
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Nonsense. It doesn't do that at all.
Correct on the Means To Activate. I had just motion and added later contact. Then subsquently when I go to unselect the contact sensors I had previously selected it does not seem to keep that selection. To be on the safe side I scrapped the rule completely and rewrote it since I'm having other weird stuff going on.
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Then I guess I am totally hallucinating. Maybe the rule was corrupt somehow. As I just said on another reply I have rewritten the rule but really don't want the contact portion anymore so just disregard. If someone else sees this in the future I'm sure they will also report it.