Room lighting activator not working as expected

Ideally I'd like to this to behave as a scene. If the lights are set based on the table, switch is ON and I can turn OFF. If not, switch is OFF and I can turn it ON to get everything to table settings. The issue is that even when everything is set to the table settings, the switch is OFF and I can't turn the lights OFF, they also don't change when changing through modes.

Edit: the behavior persists even with "Group: Indicator if any are on", logs from activator device:

logs from online device supposed to be on:

activation table:

Then I suspect you want this option, "All Set Per Table...."


Using "If Any are On" and it not working is odd...

"If any are on" works

But based on the docs, it seems to me that the app isn't working as expected for "only if some are on" and "all set per table"...but I can't seem to find anyone else with similar behavior.

Then it must be you... :wink: (joking)

It is odd.... It might be worth:

  • Posting a full screenshot(s) of the RL setup
  • Turning on debug logging for the RL App
  • Posting screenshots for the RL App

What type of device driver is your room lighting activator switch using? Because all of your table are lights, it might be set to a bulb or dimmer. Trying changing the device type to switch so that on/off are the only commands that the activator can receive.


The activator device should be able to use whatever driver the app automatically assigns, @user3636 shouldn't need to change the driver for a built-in device generated from a built-in app...

That sounds little more grandiose that it needed to be... :wink:

It was originally using the "Room Lights Dimmer Activator" but same behavior with "Room Lights Switch Activator".

It seems its something with the groupState variable, it is never set to allOn always someOn or allOff

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Realy, there is a difference...?

Yes. The activator device will send all settings if it is a bulb or dimmer. This can have unexpected results. If a person wants just on/off commands for the table, I have found that setting the device to a switch significantly helps. It eliminates the possibility of setLevel and setColor commands that might inadvertently change the setting.


Wow.... I feel a feature request coming on.... but in the meantime, a good suggestion @user3636 by @JB10 ....

It's likely a mixture of driver and/or your setting I mentioned earlier....

Missed this message, here are the details you asked for:

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Thanks, @JB10 is likely on the right track... as much as the info I asked for is important, that is likely the path to pursue....

Not sure if you saw my previous post, I think it includes all the info you requested. Thanks!

Yes, but I think @JB10 's suggestion to look at the type for the activator (I assume the driver) is the thing to look into.

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It was the same behavior using either the dimmer or switch activator

Is the setup pictured in post #19 the current way you have it set up?

If so, there are no actions or settings set up for Corner Lamp or LED Lamp, but perhaps that's intentional for Activator-status tracking reasons?

My approach to Room Lighting setups is to simplify the little details as much as possible... Similar to JB10's suggestion of identifying the Activator device in the most basic/simple way possible (e.g. switch instead of bulb when possible etc), I do that same thing with each device's "Type" designation in the table (which you can click on to change)...

If it's a color bulb, but all I'm doing is turning it on/off, then I make it a Switch. If I just need dimming but not CT/RGB, I make it just a Dimmer. Etc etc.


I have had this same exact issue for months now and it drives me crazy. It just seems that if you turn on a Room Lighting activator, it should stay on unless one of the lights or devices no longer matches what is in the Room Lighting settings.

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I feel like this must be a bug, if everything is set per table then the activator should be "on"