Roller Shutter for 2 speed fan control

I have a 2 speed fan, I've got a shelly 2.5 in roller shutter mode so that I can operate in 3 speeds (open = slow) (close = fast) or (stop= OFF).

I'm wondering how I integrate it into Hubitat, I've tried adding it as a basic switch and it turns the Fan on at slow speed, pressing the switch again momentarily stops the fan than it starts back up again.

It works fine from the Shelly App.

Ideally I would have three buttons STOP SLOW FAST with some sort of visual feedback

Just to add, I also have 3 dampers for controlling air flow in the ventilation system, these also need pretty much the exact same control mechanism, Open/Close/Off as there is a motor in each damper that holds a valve open or closed. and it is off when I don't care (ie fan is off).

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