That is what the Roku app on your phone is for. If you have your username/passwords in a password manager, you can even copy paste them in the fields. Otherwise, it is at least a little less painful than scrolling through the keyboard with a remote.
I'm talking about shield TV.
most if not all now work with a link to a web app with a code on your phone.. very rare you need the tv keyboard anymore.. that said, it still is a pain to re-setup a bunch of them..
at least on the shield they seem to timeout less if not used vs the roku.
Interesting, I have 4 TV's with Roku's on them and two are connected via ethernet and the other two wifi, I don't experience "spamming" the network as you describe. The only IoT and media devices I found spamming were from Harmony where it was enumerating all the devices on my IoT VLAN every few minutes. I turned of IP control of devices in the Harmony settings and it resolved that.
Both my Unifi controller and my Untangle router have a lot of alerting rules to send me notification if there are "odd" events and things have been quiet for over 2 years.
Unfortunately, the only platform that has the Xfinity Stream app (That allows me to use my Xfinity without paying for a box) is Roku. That is on Xfinity for sure. However, if I want to watch with no box fee, the Roku is the only option.
Considering the motion sensing capabilities of the wyze cameras is best described as a hot mess, and requires a subscription to be moderately usefull (but doesn't work properly), this is a good thing (/me gives unplugged Wyze cams the evil eye )
ill take your pan v2 or v3 normal wyze cameras mine work fine .. but i was grandfatherd in for motion..
now i did take them up on there recent deal for like 50 bucks a year for unlimited cameras for the detection. since i have about 20 cameras between 3 properties
Look out, FBI, @kahn-hubitat is going to out-surveil you!
I.counted only 18 but we have snow in mi and motion caught a fox in our driveway in nh the other morn.
Mine are normal V2.
Worked great until they rolled out the Lite option, then my camera on the paid plan would no longer detect the guy in the bright orange vest entering the yard to drop off the latest Amazon order, etc. which is what I needed it to do.
Now a squirrel jumping from the garage to a tree? Notified every time!
I have two Roku's and a Roku TV all connected by Wi-Fi and I don't have any issues at all with any of them spamming my network.
** UPDATE ** However last night the one in our bedroom suddenly decided to keep turning the TV on every hour or so. At least my wife couldn't blame my automations this time!!
Truth be told, while i like my Roku's, I probably won't even consider their home automation stuff. I really don't believe every company needs to get into everything. Sometimes they should focus on doing one or two things very well. That same thought is why I believe amazon will ultimately fail. They don't do anything really well anymore. everything is just sorta good'nuf..
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