RM4 - Only Have a Spoken TTS Rule Happen Once

Hello All,

Will the cancel option force a TTS spoken rule to run once then cancel, I have a few TTS rules that speak 1-3 times depending on the script and delays.

Thank You

No, the cancel option on any action just identifies that it is possible to cancel the execution. It doesn't do any kind of cancellation automatically. You would always have to call the "Cancel Delayed Actions" action to actually cancel a delayed action that has the cancel flag set and hasn't started yet.

You can use the Private Boolean to debounce an action to be executed several times, however, we would need to see your entire action script to give you advice there.

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OK thank you, I actually figured-out my initial issue, it was from the lack of an "End-If". I was just curious of how the Cancel option worked with TTS speech.

Thanks Again