@samuel.c.auclair Just installed the RM3500ZB using HPM. Here are the errors in the logs.
Seems to control the ON/OFF though.
dev:1732023-02-13 14:00:01.416errorgroovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Ambiguous method overloading for method java.lang.Integer#plus.
Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null] due to overlapping prototypes between:
[class java.lang.Character]
[class java.lang.String]
[class java.lang.Number] on line 328 (method energySecCalculation)
dev:1732023-02-13 13:54:53.778errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object 'null' with class 'null' to class 'float'. Try 'java.lang.Float' instead on line 312 (method energyCalculation)
dev:1732023-02-13 13:54:43.745debugwater sensor change detected : 0030
dev:1732023-02-13 13:54:02.637errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method multiply() on null object on line 303 (method energyCalculation)
dev:1732023-02-13 13:53:52.591debugwater sensor change detected : 0030
dev:1732023-02-13 13:53:25.095errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object 'null' with class 'null' to class 'int'. Try 'java.lang.Integer' instead on line 231 (method configure)
@nclark Thanks, I'm pretty sure what is causing those and will update the driver accordingly. For the moment, probably manually saving the preferences and click configure will solve this error. Moreover, do you have the temperature sensor attach to it?
During my testing of the driver, I have not seen any errors like that, did you hit configure and save preferences when you changed the driver you were using?
Temperature at 0 will indicate that the temp probe is not attached to the device.
When changing from one driver to the other without removing and re-including the device, you should always hit the configure button and then save the settings (do changes if you wish at the same time). This will insure that the driver initiates all it's state variables and preferences.
Always do. But... in this case I installed the RM driver ( previously it was using the "Sinope load controller" for the ON/OFF functionality) and I didnt hit preference before configure... hence my theory about variable not initialize
//input name: "prefWaterTempMin", type: "bool", title: "Enable safety minimum water temperature 45°C/113°F feature", defaultValue: true
There appears to be valid code handling that pref in the driver...
This is my main issue with the switch right now: I cannot have the temp sensor connected when I'm away otherwise the switch invariably turns on on its own. I don't want that as I cut the water mains when away for several days.
Happy to help test / troubleshoot - I have two of these installed.
Tip and sleeve are the pins needed to detect water, I have done this and it works flawless, I have also ordered water sensing cable from aliExpress and will report back when I receive it and made my own cable. But it looks like I can make one cable for the 1/4 the price that Sinope is selling there cable.
If you only need probes, you can most likely build a set for about 5$-10$ or even less if you have stuff laying around.
Not sure. Out of curiosity, which driver are you using, the built-in one or the community one in HPM ? You can tell by looking at whether the driver is in the "System" or "User" part of the driver list. I don't know what the built-in driver exposes, I've never used it.
I think you pointed me in the right direction, i'm using the built-in drivers not the user made one in HPM, I guess i'm gonna try to change my drivers and tell you if it works. With the built-in drivers I was able to see the temperature ans the switch status in the drivers page like on your screenshot but I had a lot less variables.
Thank you very much and I'll try that tomorrow
With HPM, now I see the same icon you have for temperature and switch but the switch doesn't seem to work and I don't see as much variable as you do, i'm missing amperage and voltage. Technicaly, I have power so I could deduct amperage because voltage is stable at 240V.
The switch in the dashboard let me switch to OFF but I cannot switch back to ON. If I go in the device menu, I can switch it back ON but not in the dashboard ??? Do you know what I did wrong ?
That's strange. I've not come across that problem. At this point, it doesn't seem to be an issue with either the device or the driver, since you can control the switch from the device details page. If you want to try and isolate the issue, you could try creating a new (separate) dashboard instance, selecting only this device in the app configuration page, then going to the dashboard and adding the switch tile.
I tried what you said and miracle, it's working now for "ON" and OFF" within the dashboard. Thanks for your help. I don't know what happened with the second dash I created with only that controler but it worked.
thanks again for your help
I am planning to buy an RM3500ZB and according to Sinope web site, Hubitat only support On/Off switch and Scene. Energy consumption reporting feature does not seems to be supported on HE.
Where can I find the exact features supported on HE for Sinope RM3500ZB ?