I have a rule which triggers at a specific time each day. Today, the action did not occur.
Per the logs, RM triggered the rule, but the action did not happen.
Can someone help me understand what went wrong?
Can you give us a little more context? What are apps 539 and 541, and what driver is device 441 using ?
Sure - how do I figure out apps and devices by number?
I'm using the built in HE native Rule Machine app.
The device is a Jasco plug in on/off dimmer outlet that a lamp is plugged into.
You can click on the log entry’s log level label (debug, info, warn, error) and be taken directly to the app / device configuration page
It looks like the action is executing, but the device driver is failing trying to set an event object attribute, presumably as a result of the on command, but it’s not clear if it’s failing due to a bug or an input error (we’ll, a specific kind of bug I guess).
Thank you - learned something today. Based on that info, I have a theory on what happened:
539 = RM rule that has run every day for several years.
541 = the same action in a Visual Rule builder rule. When HE first released Visual Rule builder, I wanted to understand how it worked, so duplicated my simplest, most predictable rule. To ensure I did not have duplicate rules doing the same thing, I either paused or disabled my RM rule, and let the VRB rule run. After a few days, I reversed this, pausing or disabling the VRB rule and unpausing /re-enabling the RM rule.
441 = the device that is supposed to turn on at the specific time each day.
Today, about 2 hours before this rule is scheduled to execute, I updated the HE from 2.4.147 to 2.4.151. That is the only thing that changed.
When I just now checked the VRB rule, it was no longer paused or disabled.
My theory is the update somehow cancelled the pause, or disable, and without one of the duplicate rules stopped, HE tried to execute the same action from two different rules at the exact same time, and that both generated the error and the failed action.
I've now both paused and disabled the VRB rule; will see tomorrow evening when the rule is supposed to run if that solved this...
I just checked mine since I have a few that are paused, a few that are stopped, and a few that are disabled for various reasons. None of mine were re-enabled by the update.
Good to know.
Were yours VRB rules, or RM rules? None of my RM rules were impacted.
All of mine are rule machine or rule machine legacy.
Yeah, paused/disabled RM rules were fine for me also.
Wondering if anyone else experienced a paused or disabled VRB getting unpaused and/or re-enabled when updating between 2.4.147 and 2.4.151....