RM stuck on wait action again

Thanks for the response. That makes sense and it might help with the Wait for Event actions. However, I first tried to make it simple with Wait for Condition to check if both doors are closed but did not work as shown in the log. Not sure what made that condition to be FALSE (2020-12-31 10:48:31:088) while both doors were closed. Do we believe it has to do with the same behavior as you established for Wait For Event action? Thanks.

The Double Garage Door Events are what I expect to see for a contact sensor and I see the opening at 10:48:30 is triggering the rule and then closing at 10:49:34. None of my contact sensor events look like your Single Garage Door Events and I suspect something here is causing the wait to hang and not the Double Garage Door.

Would you remove the "Wait for event: Single Garage Door closed" and see if the rule work?

I tried that and it did not work, I did try @dadarkgtprince's suggestion and worked. I guess it is the way is triggering each event. I really wanted to use it as Wait for Condition but I guess I need to live with 2 separate Wait for Event actions.

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since the hub is event based, if you only open one door, the other condition will never be met. slight learning curve, but once you get a hang of it, it doesn't get to be too bad writing rules

Thanks so much! I agree, it is a learning curve :slight_smile: