RM - Setting Days of Week Schedule - no Cancel on Define Schedule page

If you are setting a days of week schedule...

...and go to the Define Schedule page, if you change your mind and want to back ou there is no option to "cancel" back to the previous screen.

Wasn't sure if this was intentional. You can hit back in the browser controls to back up, but typically navigation in apps is not left to browser controls.

You just complete the entry, e.g. pick Sunrise, or a time, then you can Cancel the Trigger if you want.

Thanks...I did notice that after I posted. Still, I'd prefer pages like this (assuming there may be others I haven't run into) to have a cancel option available w/out anything having to be chosen first. My 2 cents.

You end up with redundant Cancel buttons in a lot of places. My 3 cents.

Outbid again...story of my life.

Yeah, well neither of us put up much....

Time inputs used to be on their own page. That was ridiculous overkill.

Perhaps the Cancel Trigger button could show up earlier.... I'll look into that.


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