RM populating Thermostat Scheduler False actions under True

I'm not sure it makes sense for TS to be mixing setting a schedule with setting the thermostat.

Yeah I get that, I'm sure it opens all kinds of new problems...you would have to test conditions to find out which one is true before sending the new values, which means you are getting into RM territory...lol.

I will think about it. I can see your point.

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Thanks Bruce, I really do appreciate the help.

You talked me into it. It occurs to me that it should generally be the case that if you change a setting for the currently in effect schedule, the setpoints should be set accordingly. Should be in next release.

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Yasssssss! Thanks Bruce :slight_smile:

This feature is now supported. When you change a setting from Rule Machine, that in turn will update the thermostat setpoints if there is a difference.

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