RM Enhancement Request - Color of Status Notifier on Apps Page


On the main hub Apps page under the Rule Machine section I am aware of three status notifiers (Paused, Stopped, Required Expression false) though there may be others, too. The three of these notifiers are all red if they are applicable to a particular rule at a particular time.


Could each status category have its own color instead of all being displayed in the color red?


I tend to have several rules at any particular time that I have paused or stopped for any number of reasons. I tend to stop rules when my logic is broken or the goal of the rule is not yet fully baked and I know I need to revist it. Alternatively, I may manually pause a rule or a rule may be paused by operation of a rule. I tend to pause rules when everything about the rule works but the timing is the concern.
'Stopped' and 'Paused' have almost the same number of characters so they tend to look similar when quickly looking at my rules. If 'Paused' was a color other than red it could help to more prominently distinguish that status from a 'Stopped' status. That extra little difference would help me clue into what is going on in the rule. Not a make or break issue but it would be nice if there was a color diffrence.

Further potential enhancement:
Use color to distinguish between a manually paused rule and a rule paused by operation of a rule.