RM: A way to see what rules trigger on a mode change?


I have an odd issue related to a mode change and can't figure out how to debug it.

In RM 4.0:

When my hub goes into "Home-Evening" mode (every day at 8pm or when I trigger it manually), all of the lights downstairs turn off. This is behavior that should occur when the hub goes into "Home-Night" mode. Changing to "Home-Evening" should result in no immediate actions.

I've traced all of the affected lights back to their calling apps and don't see any app turning them off with the evening mode change. I don't see a way to see apps that reference modes or what apps caused an event.

Any tips on how I can better investigate this?

Snippet of log below. You can see I triggered the mode change manually at 19:26 and several lights were turned off. No idea why "Execute Good Morning" and "Execute Good Night" are mentioned -- neither has anything to do with the evening mode.


There isn't any single place I know of where you could do this; mode is a system/location event, not a device (but if it were a device, there would be a better way to see this; you're probably familiar with their "In use by" sections).

One idea: go into the gear/app status page for each app, and look under "Subscriptions" for anything with "mode" listed in the "Event" column (and your hub/location name in "Source," though several other things might have that, too). Still requires a bit of work on your part, but probably easier than opening every app and scanning through the UI to see if you can find anything suspicious, which is really the only other option. (This is something you'd probably still want to do after you find one of these apps to see what it's really doing.)

Also, if you're not sure about the "Control - Execute Good Night" and "Control - Execute Good Morning" apps, what are they? Rules? If so, maybe post a screenshot of the whole thing but especially the trigger events if you're not sure how to troubleshoot them. If you really don't see anything that looks suspicious in those rules, consider at least hitting "Done" or "Update Rule" to sort of re-initialize them (which should update their event subscriptions, among other things).

Thanks for the quick reply and tips.

go into the gear/app status page for each app, and look under "Subscriptions" for anything with "mode" listed in the "Event" column

Does this tell me something more/different than looking for a mode referenced in a trigger?

I don't think mine doesn't tells me much:

if you're not sure about the "Control - Execute Good Night" and "Control - Execute Good Morning" apps, what are they? Rules? If so, maybe post a screenshot of the whole thing

Sorry, yes, those are two rules (out of five) that govern actions related to mode changes. I'm not sure why they are being mentioned in the logs when the hub mode changes to "evening." Neither has anything to do with the evening mode...and the other 3 rules I have with mode triggers don't show up in the logs this way.

Here they are in case you see something weird:

"Update Rule" to sort of re-initialize them

I'll try that...maybe that will clear our some old reference to the evening mode I can't see. Otherwise, I may try recreating them in RM 5.

Thanks for your help!

Not exactly, it's just a way to see what the rule is really subscribed to, and not what you told it to do. If you see anything unexpected, that would be something to investigate.

It doesn't really; it just tells you that it is subscribed. You'd have to look at the rule actions to see what it really might be doing (or be the developer of the app and have a way to know, if there is one, based on the handler method). The goal was just to narrow down what might be doing something.

Your original screenshot incldued a "mode changed" trigger and I began writing my reply to that, but then I see it was changed to just a specific mode trigger, which I assume is how the rules are actually written. The former would trigger on any mode change, regardless of what you do in actions (which could be nothing, but the rule would at least trigger). The way it is now in your screenshot definitely shouldn't do this; hitting "Done" (or "Update Rule"--same result, just doesn't close the rule) may help.

Sorry -- I was in the middle of doing a minor rewrite of the rule to see if it helped and sent you the wrong screenshot.

Yeah, I think it's weird that a couple of semi-random rules show up in the log when the mode changes to evening.

So, I'm going to try triggering on mode change and adding a conditional to check for the mode I'm after. Shouldn't make any difference (and is a little clumsier), but maybe it'll clear something out. Failing that, I'll try recreating the rules in RM 5. Failing that, I'll create a new evening mode and change rules (if I can find them all) to use it and remove the original.

That's one of the two things I miss about SmartThings: events telling you what app/rule triggered them. I don't know why Hubitat doesn't have that. Would make troubleshooting a lot easier. (The other thing I miss is built in "when things are quieting down" routines.)

Thanks for your suggestions. I may re-post this in the RM forum too....