RM 5.1 issue

When pausing a rule in 5.1 there is no "(Paused)" indication to right of rule name. The rule does pause like intended, but you cant tell from the apps screen. RM legacy and 5.0 show indication like always from app screen.

Have you made sure you refresh your browser to make sure you see the PAUSED indicator? Not claiming any experience of this working....

When open the rule itself it shows paused at top left behind the rule name in 5.1. when I open the apps page there is no indication it is paused. But it works fine for my RM legacy and 5.0 rules.

Hmm, ok, sounds like one for the HE dev's to take a look at then....

The Xmas Lights On and Xmas Lights Off are currently paused when you open the rule itself. But no indication on apps screen like RML and 5.0. I am on and all pages refreshed.


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Tagging @bravenel.

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Yeah, we aren't going to solve this one...

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This is a browser cache issue, that we've seen, but that I don't understand. If, when opened, the rule shows (Paused) in the top black border of the page -- that is actually the name of the rule. For the name of the rule not to be displayed on the Apps page implies that the Apps page is not up to date. Refresh that page, if still no joy, then it's some sort of browser issue.

The browser issue does not explain why the pause indication works on RM legacy and RM 5.0

I can un-pause and pause on RML and 5.0 without issue and it shows on apps page.

OK, but all I'm saying is that (Paused) is actually part of the app's name, so it should be displayed on the Apps list. I don't know why this doesn't happen. Try opening the Apps list in an incognito browser window, and see if it shows up there or not.

No joy on incognito browser, same results.

I also deleted the rules (only 2 that were 5.1) and remade them to see if that would help and luck there either.

We will look into whether or not there is some caching issue in the hub that could explain this. I can't reproduce it, but you can. Hmmmm


Mine is doing the same. 5.0 works 5.1 does not display the paused.

We found something about caching in the hub, and hopefully next release will fix that issue.


still an issue for me

Same for me as well

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