RM 5.1 Error - Lock setCode command with variable parameter

I am attempting to recreate a set of rules from one of my hubs to another. This issue has occurred twice with perfect consistency of my steps.

The rule I've created uses hub variables and local variables. When I try to recreate a line that calls the "setCode" command on a lock, I am attempting to use a hub number variable as the first parameter, but as soon as I select the variable from the drop-down list, the page refreshes with the following error:

Unexpected Error
An unexpected error has occurred trying to load the app. Check Logs for more information.
Error: No signature of method: ruleApp51.dispV() is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl) values: [xVar1.13] Possible solutions: dispv(java.lang.Object), disp(java.lang.Object), dump(), is(java.lang.Object), grep(), find()

Once this issue occurs, I have no recourse but to remove the rule and attempt creating it again. When I export the rule after the issue occurs, I do find one instance of "xVar1.13" in the appSettings array, but it is not referenced elsewhere in the json:

				"deviceList" : null,
				"multiple" : false,
				"name" : "xVar1.13",
				"type" : "enum",
				"value" : "AirBNB-GuestCurrent-Slot"

This is a screenshot of the rule after the issue occurs, which does not show the action that I was trying to create:

This is a screenshot of the rule I am recreating from another hub (the rule is cropped to show enough):

This is the log entry that occurs when the issue occurs, or when I try to edit the actions afterwards:

app:1712021-12-29 11:20:43.550 am errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: ruleApp51.dispV() is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl) values: [xVar1.13]
Possible solutions: dispv(java.lang.Object), disp(java.lang.Object), dump(), is(java.lang.Object), grep(), find() on line 4858 (method selectActions)

Are you on the latest build?

I have no problem creating an action to set a lock code using Custom Action in RM 5.1, and using a Number variable for the position number (the first parameter):

The three parameters should be Number, String, String.

I'm currently on Last time I looked, had just been revoked so I haven't updated yet. I now see that this bug was fixed in .120. Thanks!

For anyone else who comes across this thread, the bug can be worked around by entering a variable reference string into the parameter entry rather than selecting the variable in the drop down; e.g. %variable-name%. is out now, and resolves the issues that caused us to pull 123. Has this and several other bug fixes.