RM 4.0 dates

I would like to create a rule that would remind me every other week to take out recycling.
October 7th & 21st will be my next recycling days for the month. How is that accomplished? Please assist.

P.S. Every Monday is garbage day.

Thank you

Honestly, I don't know of any way to accomplish that. Weekly schedules are easy, but I don't know of any way to do bi-weekly schedules.

I have exactly the same setup. Here is what I did and it has worked perfectly for the past month and half.

The key is to create a local variable and set it to boolean. The rule itself will change it every Monday. Holler if you need help!



NICE! I had thought about doing a LV, but then couldn't wrap my head around how and when to set it. +1,000,000 for a new trick for me to play with!

Yeah - I found it easier to do the following low-tech workaround that works:

  1. Create a schedule on Google Calendar (it supports every other week etc.)
  2. Link Google Calendar to IFTTT
  3. Link IFTTT to Hubitat
  4. Create an IFTTT recipe/applet that flips a Hubitat switch using the Calendar event as a trigger.
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That's brilliant - love it!!

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@aaiyar, I had never used variables before and I thought I would see if I could come up with something. It worked on my 1st try LOL.

As an aside, I'm going to be down in your neck of the woods in a few weeks. Be at the Hotel Montelone for 4 days in NO.

Nice place to stay. PM me if you're free any evening (except 10/1, 10/2) and would like a drink or something.

I'll be there from the 7th to the 10th. One of the nights a lot of the guys are going out to a crawdad dinner. I can't do that, so I may give you call if I get free....

Yeah, we've stayed at the Montelone 4 or 5 times now. I like the oldness of it.

Tell them it's the wrong time of year. We've just entered oyster season though.

You can use the same trick to pick the later of two times. I have an automation that turns a light off a certain number of minutes after sunset or 9:30, whichever is later. I used to have to decide a date to turn one rule off and the other on. But since switching to this method I haven't had to do that anymore.

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Brother, I can't say there is a right time of year for me to eat some crawdads LOL. I am from Oklahoma and beef is what's for dinner :slight_smile:

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Any night outside of a Tueday, I'll set you up with a damn fine roast beef po'boy and bread pudding (place is closed on Tuesdays).

@spalexander68 Thank you very much..

I used to live in NOLA, and still go there all the time for work. Can't say I've EVER had a roast beef poboy... lol. That is just wrong.

Parkway's roast beef with gravy is very good. And been on their menu since at least the 1940s. My next door neighbor used to get his lunch there for 10 cents (po'boy and coke) while working in a munitions factory that's that was across the bayou.

My favorite is their 1/2 oyster 1/2 shrimp. But @spalexander68 likes his beef .....

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I've been to Parkway many times. Never had the roast beef. Why would you when there is shrimp everywhere? Not into shrimp? Then catfish. No seafood? Then smoked sausage. :wink:

(I'm kidding obviously. Everyone get what they like)

smoked gator sausage. It's pretty good.

wanting to know more......Has anyone used a date?

What do you mean by used a date?