RL has wrong light status

well, then I hit "refresh" and it shows OFF. im not making that up :slight_smile: I havent tap the dimmer or anything. RL made it go off, it went off and stayed off. but hub report it been at 9%

here is what I do:
top right, it shows 9% (ok, to do that picture, I hit "set level" at 9%, but trust me, that how it was. once out of 2 times I trigger the all off RL, it does wrongfully report a dimmer been turned back on. we can do a TEAMS screen share if you want, I can show you)

then I hit refresh on the device and it shows off. but the zooz light remained physically untouched. blue led of zen72 is till ON showing light is off

then RDC-SalleManger-D shows it went off in the logs. but it was off already

Please show the In Use By from the bottom of the device page.

those RL are listed above. I crop so we only have the "means to activate" as I figure those are what you want to see

I pushed the test further to confirm the switch was actually really off and wrongly reported dim by the hub

so i turned on all light in my house again (using dashboard). waited 20 minutes, then called the all off (using dashboard again)
now the TV room in the basement is showing to be on at 10%

and here are the event for this dimmer:

so immediately when in the basement to check the real status of the light. its off. not at 10% (the one on the right)

and lights are off, not 10% dim

tried to physically tap off the dimmer several time. no impact under device event. it stays at 10% according to the hub.

then hit refresh on the device, now it shows off and an event is created that dimmer went off

then hit "set level" and entered 10% (same level as wrongly reported before)
and we see the blue led is off indicating the light is on

and here is what 10% dim level look like in my TV room

so I really think the hub randomly report dimmer at the wrong level

Much more likely is that the device is doing this itself. Not a clue why it would, but in all the years, no one has ever found a hub invented random event.

Catching up on this thread.. Can you tell me what zooz model this is ... and what driver you are using?

it's the zen72
using the system driver. "zooz zen72 driver"
also tried "Generic Z-wave Plus Dimmer"
same issue.

Can you turn on debug logging for this device and trigger your actions again.. I would like to see what the device is sending packet-wise.

thanks for jumping in Bcopeland.

since it's always random dimmers that have a wrong status after a all-off RL, I used preferance manager and turned on debog logging on all zen72.

usualy I could reproduce the issue once out of 2 attempt or 2 out of 3. but this time took about 10 attempts. but got 3 lights that are actually off but report the wrong status.

app 220 is the RL that I triggered to turn off all lights. (RL-Dodo)

does hubitat has a chart to understand the payload data in debug logs?

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