Ring Range Extenders change speeds?


My extenders connected at 100kbps. But seem to randomly change speed to 40kbps.

Generally due to them negoiating a new route or some increased interference. Theyโ€™re just another powered Zwave device with no special properties other than a built in battery backup.

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For the reasons thebearmay says, that can happen to any ZW device - heck, it could even dip to 9.6. In my experience, an occaisional dip down to 40 isn't too uncommon.

If it connected at 100 most of the time before, it'll likely bounce back to 100 in a bit.

So, ignore it for now. Got it :smile:

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likely that repeater is on the edge of the signal range that would drop it. If you can move it slightly closer it should maintain 100 more easilly.

Yep, at 100kbps this morning without any changes to my system.