Ring doorbell with HE

I found an instruction on Github about Ring integration but I am wondering if anyone could help me about dimmer level. It says that I have to setup routine on Alexa but I was unable to find where to put dimmer level. Below is the link I found. Thank you in advance.

I haven't used this integration, but it looks like you should have a Ring Manager device on Hubitat and are supposed to expose that to Alexa (via Hubitat's integration), then your Alexa routine would set the dimmer level on that device.

If you only have a doorbell, this app seems like overkill (I'm not sure what it adds that virtual devices alone already can't do), but it should work.

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You should probably post in the thread where this was first released (see below) or request assistance from the author @dman2306.

[RELEASE] A bunch of various integrations

Are you trying to integrate only a Ring Doorbell? If so, the easiest way of doing so is to use Amazon Alexa Routines.

The basic flow is enable the Ring Skill in Amazon Alexa. Then add an Alexa Routine that is triggered by your Ring Doorbell (either Motion or Doorbell Pushed). In that Routine, turn on a Hubitat Virtual Switch (with momentary feature enabled).

More details can be found in the following thread.


Thank you much. I just did. Will wait for a Response.

I tried that too. I want my sirens to chime when the doorbell is pushed. Routine function let me connect the ring doorbell with the siren but only thing I can control the Alexa is to turn on the siren. I cannot specify the siren to chime.

What type of Siren are you referring to? A Ring Alarm System Siren? Or a siren directly paired to Hubitat? If the latter, you should be able to easily use the technique I mentioned above to trigger a Rule Machine Rule which can then play a chime on your siren device.

Dome sirens actually.

You definitely don't need the app for that. The solution @ogiewon linked to above (here: Ring/Amazon/Alexa - who needs IFTTT? Not me) has a way to do this with just Alexa and virtual devices from Hubitat, and as mentioned, you could then use any automation (such as something in Rule Machine) to manipulate the Dome siren. The first part might be a tad more work (or not--you'd get to skip all the custom apps and drivers), but you avoid custom code on Hubitat (I'm really not sure why the app makes you do some of this yourself and still passes a lot through Alexa when it looks like it could do a lot on its own, and I just looked through the code am not sure I'd personally run it on my hub--appears to be using a lot of "regular"/synchronous HTTP calls when they could be asynchronous and not cause the app to stay awake and wait for a response, no disrespect intended for the author who took time to write it).

The second thing--making the Dome respond to a doorbell button push--is something you'd have to do either way. The custom app you originally found and the workaround above are both just ways to get the doorbell into Hubitat; automations you create using it are still up to you.

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