Ring and rule machine

Based on this answer in another thread I am posting this new thread

Basically how can I integrate ring doorbell and spotlight with hubitat. I understand viedo is supported (yet?) But doorbell presses and motion events would be nice.

I understand that I could make a virtual switch then a routine in Alexa to trigger it then I guess the rule machine to do something. I think I just answered my own question. You guys are great!
On 2nd thought that would work with just about anything that doesn't natively work with hubitat. Like my wemo outlets. Right?

Exactly, if Wemo has ifttt, you can do the same as ring. I tested some cheap wifi outlets in ST for a friend using ifttt, so they should work here too.

If Alexa can trigger a routine from it then you can have her flip a virtual switch in HE.

I've not been able to go the other way and have Alex trigger a routine based on a switch in HE.

I really don't like using ifttt if I don't have to.

My Alexa app isnt showing all devices in routines. I created the switch and it shows in Alexa but not when trying to create a routine.

Just to clarify, you need to be using the Alexa skill, not the Alexa app in HE. You also need to pick the switch in the HE Alexa skill before it an be seen in Alexa. in the Alexa app under Routines "When" will be either the ring detects motion or it detects button press. The action "Alexa Will" part of the routine is where the HE virtual switch will go.

Has anyone actually got motion working from Ring to Hubitat via IFTTT? I'm trying, but there are two problems:

  1. Ring doesn't support sending motion inactive events via IFTTT; it only sends when motion starts. (I'm not sure the Ring-Alexa integration supports this, either.) So, you're either left to guess or measure what Ring's timeout is and automatically assume motion stopped after that, unless Ring will constantly send "new motion" events after the lowest possible timeout for as long as motion continues.
  2. The Hubitat IFTTT integration is not capable of setting the state of virtual motion sensors, so some sort of workaround like a virtual switch has to be used instead, then tied into a virtual motion sensor on the Hubitat side via an app, rule, or similar--or, I guess, you can just use the switch instead if your apps support that. (I'm trying to use Mike's "universal DTH" from ST to work around needing a separate automation to handle syncing a virtual switch and motion device, but since that code appears to have been withdrawn you're out of luck unless they come up with something similar for HE or you still happen to have the ST code around like I did.)

I'm thinking of trying other workarounds myself--for example, I still have SmartThings and can add Ring back to there, then sync the devices to Hubitat via one of the integration possibilities. I can also add it to Home Assisstant, which I'm also still using (though trying not to keep any logic on) and sync via MQTT as I do for other devices.

I don't think Ring supports reporting that. Smart Alert, a feature in the Ring app talks about the algorithm that detects repeated or continuous motion and limits alerts and has settings to adjust the sensitivity.