Ring alarm arm status and inovelli red series colors

I see you have logging enabled - was anything logged? If so, can you include a screenshot?

When you arm Ring, does it arm HSM?

Through the Ring App - set for Armed - Home

HSM was showing disarmed

Safety Monitor - Nothing showing, set for home away

Child Device - nothing is in the logs.

I then tried arming for home away within HSM

I did note that while the notifications were on on my inovelli dimmers, they did turn off on their own.

When i disarmed in the Ring app, did see a log

But HSM didn't see it.

Okay - it looks like the link between Ring Alarm and HSM isn’t working. Are you sure the β€œSync Ring Alarm mode to HSM mode?” is enabled? If it is, I would recommend you disable and re-enable it to see if they synch up.

It appears that it may have been as simple as that. I'll continue testing later. Thanks!

Getting some eye rolls on the binging and bonging that i've been creating over the past few hours. :slight_smile:

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I was able to get the notifications to work how I wanted them to, I’m still working on HSM to arm disarm ring alarm through RM.

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Feel free to share what you have done up to now if you get stuck.

Here is how I have Ring arm away when HSM is armed away. I separate the rules into a bunch or simple ones when I can: