RGBGenie color touch panels?

Has anyone tried integrating the RGBGenie color touch panels?

I see that some of the zigbee ones are shown as supported on the official list of compatible devices (Join and Reset Instructions - Hubitat Documentation), though the product numbers on that list don't seem to match the product numbers on RGBgenie's website.

I'm curious how they work in Hubitat. Do they send commands directly to the light devices, or do they send commands to Hubitat, and then you use Rule Machine to propagate it to your lights?

The entire line of these is in progress development wise. They send commands to Hubitat one then uses the built in Mirror app to forward commands to the slave devices.
I think there are 4 versions of this panel 2 zigbee and two zwave. Some are scene capable the others support 3 endpoints. The 3 endpoint zigbee panel is already supported. The other panels are in progress.
There is also a 3 endpoint zigbee monochrome panel which is also completed.

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Oh, that's interesting. So the 3 endpoint ones: does Hubitat convert it into like 3 color switches?

yup, color RGBW devices actually

Very cool. I really want to try one out, but I don't have any colored lighting in my house yet. What are you using it for?

I currently don't have any of these in production, that was a screen shot of my development hub.
So yeah, without any color capable devices the color panels don't have anything to control.
I'm thinking of having one in my living room mounted in a wiremold box sitting on the coffee table, or somewhere else within arms reach...

Mike, perhaps Iā€™m suffering from early stage dementia, but I have a distinct memory of you showing a couple copies of this controllers in a Hubitat Live episode a couple months ago with device handlers in production. Am I conflating two different things?

Oh i have the entire RGBgenie line and am working on drivers for all the panels...
What i said is that I don't have any of the panels deployed in production.
I have three currently in the lab being worked on.


Any idea how well these work as repeaters? Since they are AC powered I am thinking about adding a couple of these to replace a couple GE zigbee wall switches that are bypassed since I replaced all of my kitchen and dining room lights with rgbw and CT bulbs.

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