RGB remote control

RGB Genie seems to be either out of business, or at least they don't appear to be available for some reason. https://rgbgenie.com/?product=rgbgenie-rgbw-remote-zigbee

There are similar remotes on Ebay and AliExpress.

Here are a couple examples.

Ebay 1

Ebay 2

AliExpress 1

They are labeled as Tuya, and go by a few brands, MJCC, Skydance are a couple. They go by similar/same model numbers. RS10, RT10, R10, and so on. @kkossev any idea if these are in any way compatible with Hubitat?

I suspect these are the type that can link direct to Zigbee controllers, but lack the ability to become button controllers. I can't find any documentation about these devices as to whether they are ZLL, ZHA, etc, and nothing about what clusters they transmit. Either that, and these are really Wifi, and they are stretching the truth about what protocol they use.

Sunricher sells similar/same models as the RGBGenie above, but they seem awfully hard to find if they even make them anymore. E.G 4 Groups RGB ZigBee Remote SR-ZG2819S-RGB

Such remotes (like the MiBoxer) are not compatible with Hubitat - they use fixed Zigbee Groups broadcasts, and HE will not follow the controlled device state.


They've been out of pocket for quite some time. I emailed them and PM'd the owner over a year ago and got no response. I just spent over 3 hours fiddling with my 5028/5008 to finally get it to pair, using the sunricher instructions, which seem a copy of the rgb genie instructions. I have no idea how the heck I finally got it to reset, becuase the instructions never worked.
I paired to my new C8(yeah I don't have enough pain w/ my C7, C7_2, C5, C4, C4,C4) in hopes the Zigbee 3.0 will allow a better response, but totally forgot how the hell this things works.
IIRC it worked but always gets my lights out of sync with the hub, no matter what. My wife will chew me out when the lights come on green at 25% brightness from the wall switch.

which leads me to wonder, with all the rule machine updates if there's a way to poll when the remote issues an off command, and then to set the lights to 2500K & 75% brightness on the next wall switch activation?

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Most probably, I had in mind a different device... Can you please copy and paste here the usual details needed to identify a Zigbee device - the model and the manufacturer, as shown on the HE device page 'Device Details'?

Sure, it won't respond to "get info" from "device" driver that normally gives cluster/endpoint info. I will try to re=pair and capture data at joining

this is the device(it IS Zigbee)

and typically uses inbuilt driver by Mike

UPDATE-trying to get this thing to pair again is a BEAR, I have a sense the "translated from Chinese" instructions are providing incorrect info. Not only does the factory reset fail, but it just won't reset, and almost every other reset procedure never produces the confirmatory blink pattern.
I've tried every possible removal task listed in the instructions, and I think 1 of them did something as the LED is finally blinking. What we need is the instructions in their native language and someone to translate the instructions properly, assuming the native language version is actually accurate.

I concur that contacting RGBGenie is tough. I ended up calling Sean Grant (the owner I think) at (520) 338-8849 and he got my order sorted out. You can also try a direct email to sean@RGBgenie.com

I like my ZB-5001 button controllers.

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tried both, over a year ago, got no response. I don't know what Sean maybe dealing with, but it is likely serious for him to be unresponsive at the time I was reaching out.


FINALLY, after 3 hours. Grabbed the pairing info, it's quite a bit

Manufacturer: RGBgenie
Endpoint 01 application: 00
Endpoint 01 endpointId: 01
Endpoint 01 idAsInt: 1
Endpoint 01 inClusters: 0000,0001,0003,0B05,1000
Endpoint 01 initialized: true
Endpoint 01 manufacturer: RGBgenie
Endpoint 01 model: RGBgenie ZB-5028
Endpoint 01 outClusters: 0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0019,0300,1000
Endpoint 01 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 01 stage: 4
Endpoint 02 endpointId: 02
Endpoint 02 idAsInt: 2
Endpoint 02 inClusters: 0000,0001,0003,0B05,1000
Endpoint 02 initialized: true
Endpoint 02 outClusters: 0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0019,0300,1000
Endpoint 02 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 02 stage: 4
Endpoint 03 endpointId: 03
Endpoint 03 idAsInt: 3
Endpoint 03 inClusters: 0000,0001,0003,0B05,1000
Endpoint 03 initialized: true
Endpoint 03 outClusters: 0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0019,0300,1000
Endpoint 03 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 03 stage: 4
Endpoint 04 endpointId: 04
Endpoint 04 idAsInt: 4
Endpoint 04 inClusters: 0000,0001,0003,0B05,1000
Endpoint 04 initialized: true
Endpoint 04 outClusters: 0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0019,0300,1000
Endpoint 04 profileId: 0104
Endpoint 04 stage: 4


I just found this topic after going through something similar. I've been looking for an RGBW Zigbee or Z-Wave remote for months, and unfortunately had to cancel an RGBGenie order this past fall after a month of no updates and no responses to emails. I hope whatever's going on with Sean Gnant isn't serious and/or resolves soon for his own sake.

In the meantime, it's kind of amazing that one guy in Arizona is the only way we have ever been able to get several certain kinds of general-purpose remotes! (It's not just RGB remotes; I have a ZB-5004 Zigbee scene controller, it's great, and I haven't seen anything in that form factor by any other company.) What a niche hobby we have! I am fortunate to have just found a ZB-5028 Zigbee RGB remote on eBay; hopefully it arrives in working order. I'm disappointed that it's RGB rather than RGBW, but beggars can't be choosers!

After 2 paragraphs of rambling, my question: Is there really nothing else out there at all? Zigbee or Z-Wave remote, a wheel to pick an arbitrary RGB color, ability to connect to Hubitat or any other arbitrary hub? That's kind of amazing if so. I don't suppose we can try to convince Sengled or someone else to make something?

I never looked any further, but I am interested in trying to find a device like this.

Maybe, just maybe, they will make a Matter version of one of the remotes I listed above someday...