Reverse Button Order: strange behavior

I bought a 4 button Zigbee controller on Amazon (#B0C5FBC9C3) and paired it with HE. The type was detected as "device" and nothing worked. So I changed it to Tuya Zigbee Scene Switch (which is what my other 4button devices are) and it "worked". Except that the buttons (labeled A,B,C,D) were detected as 4,3,2,1 in reverse order.

So I checked the box for "Reverse Button Order" but instead of being 1,2,3,4 they show up as 1,2,4,3. Is this fixable in HE or is there a better type for me to use?

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I understand the OCD of wanting the buttons to be in order BUT, whatever number they are, if you program to that, the physical order will work.

I mention this because getting built in drivers updated takes a release cycle. Community ones can be quicker. But the result is the same.. you click the "top" button, it's number goes into a Button Controller app or rule and does what you need. You click the "middle" button, it's number goes into a Button Controller app or rule and does what you need.


I use the "Notes" in the Button Controller app to keep track of which button does what


This is the remote:


Can you post a link to Amazon web page ?

The ‘Reverse Button’ option in TS004F driver was made to match the same buttons arrangement as in HE inbuilt ‘Tuya Scene Switch’ driver. It matches the two most common groups of switches and remotes, but seems like your device is a new, third variant.

If the fingerprint of a devices isn't known to HE it defaults to DEVICE

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