[RETIRED] hubiVue iOS, Android, Amazon & Web Dashboard App

You've been around me too long...


You're late...:rofl:


Stoked to hear this product will live on - another fanboy here chiming in yet again :slight_smile:

Another reason to love Hubitat - awesome community.

@thebearmay - Thank you!


Folks... keen to get some feedback on the approach here on how to manage initial login / config step when the Community version of hubiVue starts up.

Currently, the app connects to a globally shared cloud service where each user identify themselves by "login" using email and pwd.

In the Community version, I'm thinking that we get the Hubitat App to produce a QR code that you scan using hubiVue to quickly/easily digest the needed IP address, MakerAPI/Authentication tokens and the like to make connecting to your hub simple. This would also facilitate the Guest configuration either via the App or an existing hubiVue mobile app being able to share a QR code that another device running hubiVue could scan and self-configure.

The only other consideration is that you will need to think of a way to self-host background images as I'm guessing storing JPG and other larger assets might be a struggle to do via the Hub.

Thoughts on the above??


Also, as the app is undergoing some changes to support a Community App on Hubitat, I'm also making changes to the client app and renaming / changing the app in the store and calling it "hubiVue CE" being hubiVue Community Edition

This will mean you can continue to run the old version (that's still working) and test/update to the Community Edition (transfer your config) and confirm its all working before you switch over to hubiVue CE.


I like the QR approach for configuring the app. I think just support a fully qualified url for the photos and let everyone store them as they are able? I could also host a public CDN type thing , but then images would be available to anyone.


Yes, that's what I'm planning to do - that way folks can sort themselves out (or just rely on the built-in set of images that will be in every app). As the app will be open source and community driven, if you have a theme and image combo that is killer and worth adding, it can be added to an upcoming release - so really it would need to be specific (like a map of your home or your kids etc) where you want that privately hosted.


Just a quick update - I've been working away stripping the app of proprietary code and features that won't ever work on a hub hosted app (ie sending of emails from the hub or storing images etc). I've also renamed the app to hubiVue CE and updated the way it stores / gets config etc to work with a hub hosted App.

@thebearmay has been busy working his magic on creating a hubiVueConn App which will be the hub app that you must install to configure hubiVue CE to work successfully. We still have a way to go, but its coming together and his work is typically gold !!

I think an early beta will be sorted in a week or two. Existing users will probably be able to transfer to this community supported / self hosted hub app version in about a month or so. Obviously will need some testing and confirming that everything works fine... but I'm confident this will work for everyone.


Making progress...


@thebearmay is also doing some amazing work... check out this for the easy to access QR code that will be the way you can scan and connect hubiVue (on mobile/tablet) along with "Detect Settings" if you're local. The point of the QR code will be to allow initial Admin and/or Guest access to the hub. Great for freinds or AirBnB guests etc...


Bit of an update....

  • the refactoring of hubiVue into a Community Edition is on going and is taking a bit longer than I anticpated. Untangling the "the way it used to work" and updating it to support a simple hub hosted application was a little more involved than I expected, but I'm a good way through it and hope to have a test app working in a few days. Initially, a few of you might feel we've taken a step backwards (e.g. support for multiple hubs won't exist) but this is a foundational step that needs to be stripped back and built back up again.

  • the building out of the hub hosted app called hubiVue CE Connector is going well. The really great news is that @thebearmay has implemented all the needed code to remove the need for installing MakerAPI, so this means we can target more efficient event updates along with further enhancements around other 3rd party information in the future (ie Lock Manager or System Info stats about your hub).

Overall, the end result is looking good.


Hi. New to hubivue dashboard.

Can you tell if its possible to get a tile show the battery level for a device? I want a separate dashboard where I could see all my battery powered devices battery levels

It can, simply use the battery attribute of the device in the tile. That said that can be pretty costly in rendering on any dash system. You're better off simply using HSM to monitor all your battery stuff with a threshold of 15% to send you a notification of when they need to be changed. Combine this with Device activity check to monitor if anything drops off the mesh, you don't have to worry about watching the battery levels. The reason I recommend 15% is that battery levels on all devices lie more than your ex getting caught with her/his pants down. And like your ex or mine, they are just not reliable in how they tell the truth about actual battery levels. Especially if you are using lithium ion batteries. Those will report 100% right until they die. So both options above are your better bet for monitoring battery levels and checking for stuff dropping off network.

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Thanks. But what do you mean saying 'pretty costly in rendering'?

And, is there a way to create one rule for all battery devices to notify me when the battery level goes down to 20 on any device? If so - should I use rule engine, notifier app or sth else?

Would really love to NOT create a rule for each device separately

This is a custom alert in HSM:

@thebearmay @gslender

As it exists today, hubivue can support multiple hubs within one login. Is there a way this can be carried over with the new architecture? This has been very useful, especially with primary / vacation residences.

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I believe that is the ultimate goal, but it may not be available in the preliminary releases.

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One issue is how you would expect the client app to treat additional hubs? Remembering that the client app has to "know about the each hub IP, access tokens" outside of the config and then store the dash config in a single hub (or is it all hubs?)

The concept of multiple hubs where config is shared for multiple client apps on the hub itself is a bit complex and needs some discussion and consideration. Would be good if this was discussed so that we arrive at the place that works for all scenarios (and if too complex accept that it will take a while for it to be implemented)

HSM.... See my post above....

The more you add to a dash the more it slows down...

Awesome, thanks for the major contributions you're putting into this project. Appreciated.