Restriction Sunday

ok sometimes if i add a restriction Sunday, we can't see the not in red after the rule name "Restricted". and sometime we can see it.

Capture d’écran, le 2023-04-09 à 16.21.26

Best Regards

In the screenshot above, it looks like you are adding a restriction so that the rule runs only on Saturday and Sunday, i.e., those are the days when triggering is not restricted. You only see the "Restricted" text when the restriction is in effect (or if it was at the time the page is loaded; it does not update dynamically). Depending on what you're looking at and when, that may explain what you see.

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Hello Bertabcd
soon i add SUBDAY as a trigger, the word restricted disappear and it dosent work well.
i can add the restricted days monday to saturday without issue but SUNDAY still a problem.

thank you for your help

Is today still Sunday for you? If so, that is normal: the rule would no longer be restricted. And if you add Monday through Saturday as you say above and then add Sunday, that sounds like all days, meaning the rule would never be restricted by day -- so you might as well just not use a day-based restriction at all.

If you still think this isn't corrrect, here is what I would suggest: describe what you're trying to do (in ordinary language, not in terms of the app you're using), share a screenshot of your app configuration, and someone can make sure it's correct. If you think you have aleady discovered any problems, enable logging and also provide a screenshot of the relevant output from "Logs" that demonstrates the problem.


Hello Bertabcd
sorry for the long delay, like everybody i have 2 lifes, working day and week end, so i need to differents programmations. so when i program the the week days i add them (monday to friday) to the restricted zone and you can see it in the list of apps you can see the red note restricted at the end of the description of the basic rules, for the week end soon i check the sunday in the restriction zone the red notice (restricted) disappear but since this week now it's when you check Wednesday that the restricted red notice disappear. if the restricted notice is not there the rule works all the days of the week.
hope it will help

I'm still confused and would again suggest what I did above:

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i will do ot this week end, thank you for your help.
Best Regards

Hello Bertabcd
something very strange, like you see in the pictures below i realize you can't check the day you are, like my last message i was saying the wednesday was the problem and today it's the friday.

in this picture you can see the 2 last rules are not restricted, L@V mean monday t o friday.

here you can see all the day are checked and the restrict trigger is on

here i removed the friday (uncheck)

Now is restricted

This looks normal to me if today is Friday. Restrictions, as the note in the UI says, determines when the triggers will cause the actions to run. Removing Friday from your selections will cause execution to be restricted today, Friday, and you'll see "Restricted" in the app label (name) when the restriction is in effect.

In other words, from what I can tell, my guess above was correct and all looks normal.