I have a GE Enbrighten z-wave dimmer switch that controls track lights.
Every once in a while, the device will not respond to a Repair or Refresh command in settings, and the only thing that brings it back to being responsive is a power cycle.
THere are other devices on the same circuit that I would rather not power recycle.
Is there any alternative to getting this device to respond again?
I have this problem intermittently with my Homeseer dimmers. While puling the gap switch works, I didn't have this problem when I used Homeseer's HS4 software as my hub. I am using a custom driver to get easy access to more of the features. That may be the reason. I've also noticed that when rule machine runs a rule and hits just one that is having an issue...anything after that with commands going to other switches seems to fail as well.
I've got a house full of these and none of them behave like this...is the dimmer on the periphery of your mesh, routing through a lot of other devices? Also, GE/Jasco is pretty excellent in my experience w/warranty support...if you have a dimmer that isn't working properly you might want to contact them.
My Zooz ZEN27 used to lock up regularly but I have not seen in at least a year now. Not sure if it was firmware updates from Zooz, or the C7 Z-Wave firmware updates that fixed it. It seems to be a common thing with ZWave devices but not totally sure what causes it.
I am finding that the air gap button works great for cycling power! Thanks for the hints.
Now, the same switch was not responding, and I am finding that recycling the power doesn't seem to help anymore. Nor does a repair in the z-wave settings.
Stuck. Any ideas?
Sounds like it may be time to replace the switch...How old is it and more importantly when did you purchase it? GE/Jasco/UltraPro has a good warranty program. You could try calling or emailing them. There is a date sticker on the switch that you can see by taking off the cover plate, format is YYWW, e.g., below is date sticker on an UltraPro dimmer. Date is 2021, 13th week, and model (engraved above sticker) is ZW3010:
Ph: 800-654-8483
-- I typically have called them about warranty issues, and if they think it sounds like I'm covered then they request the email below to document things, and then I get a new switch in the mail. Easy-peasy.
Email: support@byjasco.com
-- Subject: Switch failing/failed
-- Body: Include description of symptoms, and switch date sticker and wwitch model # info.
-- Attach a PDF of receipt showing when purchased.
Contact Jasco regardless of the age - it's free to call them and one time they replaced an out of warranty switch for me after I talked up that my entire house is Jasco switches (which it really is).
If air gap is not working I would also try the breaker. I have had that happen on rare occasion. Depending on how the device is built some things may still have power when air-gapped. The air gap is only required to cut off power to the fixture, not necessarily the entire circuit board inside the device.