
I have to restart Hub at least once maybe twice a week. Any spesific or thaughs what can cause this?


That's a pretty vague question. Can you elaborate? Are you experiencing slow down, lock up? Are you losing devices? What do you have for apps? What devices do you have? Sorry to answer your question with a question, but there are many reasons you may need to reboot so often. Even at my hubs worst performance, I was rebooting once a week, but I put things on it that didn't know that they didn't like my environment. NOT saying that you have something like that, but it would be something we could help you to determine.


Youโ€™re not alone. Many have this problem. There are a couple of nice community apps that can schedule a hub reboot so itโ€™s just automatic. I have this setup for a twice weekly restart.

As far as reasons for this problem, it can be many things. Typical issues are excessive device polling and bad custom drivers or apps. You could also have a problematic rule. You would have to be willing to regularly check the logs and disable apps one at a time to see if you can figure it out. There are lots of posts about this if you search around. Good luck.