[RESOLVED] My.hubitat.com login issues

Anyone else having issues logging into the My Hubitat portal? It's just looping me right back to the login page at the moment, I've even reset my password twice now and it is still doing the same thing.


This is a different issue, what you linked is an issue signing up for Hub Protect. I can't even login to my account.

That said, it appears to be Firefox specific. I'm able to login with Google Chrome... though I frankly hate using Chrome.

Got same issue on safari . Endless loop on my.hubitat , changed password twice. Still able to logon using portal.hubitat. Any solution for that?

On chrome and firefox after trying to log getting Missing required parameter PASSWORD in red.


I am unable to replicate this. Mind me asking what device are you using?

Iphone X

User and password was provided

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I had the same issue with it looping on the login page on a MacBook Pro in Safari.

However if I click on My Account, I am actually logged in and it goes to my account page.

We were able to reproduce and our engineers are looking for a solution. We will update this post when we have a resolution. Thank you for your patience.


Perfect :wink: Finally I was able to login using windows 10 and chrome ... firefox did not work.

Firefox on Windows had the same issue as Safari on iPhone?

UPDATE: This issue may take a while to resolve. Please use Chome browser if at all possible.

Firefox on Windows is certainly where I had the issue. I also just attempted to login from Firefox on Linux, and had the same issue where it just looped me back to the login screen.

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The log in problem should be fixed now. You may need to clear the browser's history or use an incognito/private window.

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Out of curiosity, now that Hubitat has some additional cloud functionality, does the company have any sort of status page to report on whether or not there is any sort of service issue?

Something like a statuspage.io

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Working now - firefox, safari :wink:

Thank tou

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What version of Hubitat software is this fixed for? I am having this issue on two of my four Hubitats. It is occurring when using safari and chrome on an iPhone XS. I am stuck in the login page loop.