I got a few (30-ish) fairly new bali z-wave blinds that I'm moving from a flaky c-4 to a new c-7. Had all sorts of flaky open/close/partial/nothing happens/etc. issues on the c-4 which I attributed to it having some sort of fundamental problem (every device having problems, not just blinds)...scrambled db likely. Rather than mess with it forever I bought a C-7 and am in the process of transfering things over slowly.
So on the new C-7, I've moved over 6 blinds last week and have had hit or miss issues. I wonder if anyone here has suggestions? Firmware of the blinds is 12.1. I've tried both the community driver from @ericvitale and the generic zwave blinds driver but still get missed close/open calls (i.e. nothing happens), very slow to start to respond, etc random fun. I have noticed the on/off seems to work better/faster than the open/close calls from the device page. RM4.0 rules don't seem to work well regardless of which call I make. This seems true for both drivers. I've done nothing to group them either with the multi-remote from bali or HE, just list them all in RM as on/off as approp.
Thanks in advance for any insights!