[RESOLVED] Just received C8 - no light, nothing

talking to customer service. i don't save manuals :). no luck reaching them. Will try again tomorrow. Thanks!

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I am now at a point to throw these locks. what locks should i buy that will work with Hubitat?

I have had Yale zigbee locks that have behaved flawlessly with Hubitat for 3 years.


If you have a USB zwave stick there is a trick to get the DSK (pin) code using PC Controller. I helped another user on here do it not too long ago. I could find the thread if you want to try it. It is really easy if you have ever used PC Controller before.

i use kwikset zigbee work great.

Here it is:


Thank you, Ordering PC Controller, looking for something that is compatible to Mac.


It’s a free download from SiLabs. But you’ll need a USB z-wave stick.

Needs a PC. So you’ll need something like Parallels.

I just ordered ZOOZ USB 700 SERIES Z-WAVE PLUS S2 STICK ZST10 700
i hope, it will work with MAC M1

If the lock is indeed plus (which by that button it looks like) the code will be on the inside plate of the door on a sticker next to your OEM lock codes. This lock MUST pair with security. Hubitat will force it to in order to connect.

You need to install parallels then a demo copy of windows. Share a usb port with the VM. That said, if prompted for security, I think if you pick s0 the entire DSK will show up... (it won't pair but you can take a pic of it) I know it's one of the options but it's been so long I forgot which option causes it to show.

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Yes I had to do this mainly for PC Controller when I got my M1 MacBook. I already had Parallels previously but needed to register and join the 'Windows Insider Program' in order to download an ARM compatible demo version of Windows 11.

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USB 700 says it works with MAC, I do not have parallel and windows :frowning:

You can download both for free. While the stick does work for Mac. You need the windows version of the SiLabs software. Also free.

Windows 11 is officially OK on Parallels now. No need to join insider program


Resolved!!!! Yay! All locks working. All it needed was DSK code. I called the customer service and done!!!

Thank you all,
Back in business
Hubitat rocks!!


Awesome, I am surprised they were able to get it for you. Just curious how were they able to get it? Did you give them the rest of the code and they were able to get you the first 5 digits?

My DSK code was on the sticker on the back of lock metal plate.


I don't think I've seen an S2 device that doesn't have a sticker actually on the device that tells you the DSK. I'm sure it must be there in the Schlage it just needs to be looked for in the future.

glad i was able to figure out your issue was not joining s2..

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