I've got a rule doing repeating things on bulbs all night, so it's okay with me that they're generating excessive events. Would love to clear that warning!
That third value?? (300 in my case)
I have a Zooz RGBW module that runs 24x7 with a random color every random 5-12 seconds. I had to update that specific device:
Oh my garsh, it's fantastique. Thanks!
I've got to ask why. Because you can?
Yes, mostly.
A small urge to just see if it will fail. Hasn’t yet
I have 6 lifx bulbs receiving a setstate command every 30 seconds with a random color. This is important stuff here.
Still trying to convince @bcopeland to add setstate to the official integration, as I have to run the old user app to keep it going
Wonder if i could ask- i'm using a zooz switch with better laundry monitor and getting excess event warning. I understand i could raise the event alert from 300 to 800 but aren't i still causing issues with the hubitat hub with so many events? Its showing approx 500 events.The wash cycle runs approximately for only an hour but causes a lot of events. I have a setting of 5 watts in zooz settings any higher and better laundry monitor doesnt function correcting with my washing machine. Much appreciate any help.
That is way too low of a threshold. Your washer should draw hundreds of watts. There should be a significant change between spin and off.
Can you screenshot your Zooz plug settings page (the section with the watts, volts, and other settings).
I use 5 watts as my minimum trigger as well and it works fine. While it's true that I might pull 200ish watts from time to time, the power usage rises and falls a lot. Here's what a typical load of laundry looks like for me.
I don't have my polling set super high, but for me what happened when I tried using a larger number is that sometimes, by chance, the plug would get polled multiple times in a row when it's not using much power and trigger a false finished notification.
Here's a more zoomed in view off part of the waveform.
It spends nearly as much time "on" as "off". It's pulling 7W at the troughs there. It pulls about 3W once the cycle is done and it's lights up the LEDs to display that it's done. So I went with a middle value of 5W.
My interpretation of your activity is:
I've labeled what I think should be occurring if I were in charge of these kinds of things
BLM should begin in an Off detected condition, then when ANY power is detected above the threshold, switches to an Active type of state. IF you had selected some (virtual) Switch to track, then I've invented a level I'd expect to see, if all was working to plan.
BLM watches for N cycles in-a-row to indicate End of a Laundry Cycle. In your case, you'll need a value of two or three, with each 3W being below the threshold and 7W being above. Every time it goes back to 7, the cycles in-a-row gets reset. You're sampling every 10 seconds and with each sample, you're getting the opposite value. Thirty 7W samples in 10 mins with thirty 3W samples too. That's a sizable load on the hub I imagine.
What does it look like if you set the outlet to sample every 3 minutes and Sequential Reportings are set to 3 ? Then set Continious Minutes to be 6.
What should happen is that you won't get a notification that the wash has completed 15 seconds after... instead you will get it as much as 6 mins after. (It depends on if your outlet reports multiple Zero Watt samples. Mine doesn't.) I'd love to live in a house where the laundry is getting attention in under a minute. Around here, I think we might average 30-40 mins reaction time. And that's the reaction time of the parent shouting to the children to move the laundry. The child response time is best measured in days... such as half a day, and so on.