[REQUEST] Dual 12v Dimmer WZ1 Tuya

Anyone know which driver would be best for this? Not recognised and cant seem to find one which works? Its a dual channel 12-36v Zigbee dimmer module? Fingerpint below;

fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0004,0005,EF00", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0601", manufacturer:"_TZE200_6qoazbre"
ZCL version:03
Software Build Id:unknown
getting info for unknown Zigbee device...

@bobbyD who do I tag for this? Sorry to tag you!

Sorry, I don't have hands on experience with Tuya devices, and I don't think @mike.maxwell had a chance to test this particular model.

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Hi @mike.maxwell do you think one of your drivers would pick this device up? Tried quite a few now with no joy :sob:

Hi @AverageJoe90 ,
Have you tried this driver? :

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OH! its the only one which actually turns the lights on and off. But not giving control over each outlet (of which there are two) or allowing dimming?
Not to worry! Its better than nothing thats for sure!

You can try also this driver (for switching on/off only)

You will need to replace inside the code the manufacturer ID "_TZE200_g1ib5ldv" with your device ID "_TZE200_6qoazbre" (lines 13 and 200). Then pressing the 'Initialize' button should create two child devices for the two outlets.

Hopefully switching on/off this will work for both outlets, but adding the dimming functionality is almost not possible without having exactly the same device and sniffing the communication to Tuya zigbee hub.

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Thank you very much, I changed the device handler with the above but only still works with one of the child devices turning both on. I think its because its only calling one endpoint?
Regardless I think I have learnt a lot about device handler code from you which I am extremely grateful for!