I have an old Z-Wave open close sensor that I've lost the magnetic part to. I saw on another group where a guy took this device, hooked 2 wires up to it and added a standard wall switch to it. On is open, off is closed.
I have 2 lamps in my family room that have NO switches. I current have 2 peanut plugs controlling the lamps. what I was thinking of doing is adding a standard dumb light switch to the wall with a open close sensor wired to the switch. Turn the switch on is like opening the contact which will then turn the lights on, turn the switch off closes the contact turns the lights off.
Yes I could use a motion sensor, which I have in my living room but there are a lot of times where we just don't want the late on when we're watching TV. Putting a motion sensor in that room obviously would turn the lights on and leave them on as long as there's motion.
someone did had mention that there was some other type of sensor that works just like what I'm talking about does anybody know of this type?
I have a wall switch wired to a contact sensor.
It works well (I actually use it as a โguestโ switch that I throw when we have overnight guests.)
As for the tv/motion problem.
Why not put a smart outlet on the tv, when there is power being used, ignore the motion sensor?
Depends on who is watching TV. I know confusing. I'm trying to find a right size wire to use in the contract sensor. I tried a thermostat wire but even that it do big
Just above the terminals in your picture there is a slight depression in the plastic. That weak spot is for gouging out to create a hole for the wires.
I have repurposed several of these. The terminals were meant for using on double hung windows, where the top could pull down and of the bottom pushed up. By adding wires you could use a second magnetic reed switch to get an open close regardless of which window opened. You will either need to bypass the internal reed switch or add a magnet to the outside to hold the reed switch closed so that the terminals are the only thing that trips the sensor.
@basic261 Not all of those devices actually supported the terminals even though the terminals were there. At least one or two of them I had didn't have any board connections to the terminals and I had to solder on new connections to where the reed switch connects. You mentioned not having the magnet, so you will either need to find a magnet to keep the onboard reed switch closed ot bypass the reed switch.
@zarthan I put on the 2 wires. I setup a rule when Closed Turn on... When Open to off,
I have a standard Dumb light switch hooked up to it. I turn on the Switch, (Closes circuit) Lights come on. Turn off Switch, (open circuit) lights do off.