I'm already a huge fan of @jpage4500 and his Android Dashboard!
I recognize the OP posted about showing battery status - and there are a number of solves for this as other community members have posted - The real need I still have is the battery management. There currently is no way that I know of to have HE track the battery itself. Seeing the model, the last change date... even if not 'dynamically' posting to Google sheets is a start point. Problem of course is it's external - that's a bummer.
Like I learned about hosting Icons for drivers and apps I write, things break when outside the hub. A local server for storage - like the BlueIris or others and their rPi's etc... but the concept is sound!
110% agree. The developer is a community member and very skilled and fast at improving the app. I dare say it is the "best" dashboard.
Huge kudos to @jpage4500
I use Home Assistant to monitor battery status. HA not only reports the battery status it also shows the last update time.
I use the native HE Notifications app to let me know if a battery drops below a certain level, Im using 40%, If any are lower I get a notification, Easy to set up.
I have this setup for text notifications as well, but have found levels fluctuate significantly over time.
To keep track of the last time the battery was changed might be programmatically pretty simple (based on my simple, non-programmatic brain).
One approach: Battery reporting app stores/displays the date/time when the battery last changed from any value at or below 50% ("old" battery) up to 90% or more ("new" battery).
This would miss when you change one old battery for another old battery, but you can't have everything.
Using 50% > 90% as the "it's been replaced" parameters would capture when a battery is replaced early for some reason (going on vacation), or the new battery isn't quite as new as you thought/hoped.
The lower and upper limits could also be user settings in the battery monitoring app to match up better w/individual battery replacement habits.
The rest is up to you, @kahn-hubitat. My work is done here.
The app.doesnt store anything it.just queries devices. It would be a major change to store it..it would.have.to be in.a file on the hub.